REVIEW: Zero by SM West (ALC)

Summary Zero’s an arrogant, enigmatic, dangerous hacker.He wants to protect me.Pity.He’s too late. I’m a lost cause. I narrowly escaped death only to now live on a knife’s edge, constantly checking the shadows for monsters.And I can’t trust him.He knows far too much about me, and I know nothing about him.Even still, this inscrutable strangerContinue reading “REVIEW: Zero by SM West (ALC)”


NOW LIVE!!! The audiobook of Zero by SM West, narrated by Aaron Shedlock and Lucy Rivers is now available!!! Blurb Zero’s an arrogant, enigmatic, dangerous hacker.  He wants to protect me. Pity. He’s too late. I’m a lost cause. I narrowly escaped death only to now live on a knife’s edge, constantly checking the shadowsContinue reading “NEW AUDIO: ZERO by SM West”


99c SALE!!! The audiobook of Prophet by SM West, narrated by Jason Clarke and Savannah Peachwood, is 99c for a limited time on most retailers!!! Blurb Money is my mistress. Solving problems, my trade. Until the tables turn, and trouble finds me. Now on the run, I need a plan. But not before I’m blindsidedContinue reading “AUDIO SALE: PROPHET by SM West”

Blog post 11/23/22

Was I all caught up with my reviews just a couple of days ago? Well, it didn’t last long. I have to write reviews for Burn down the night by M O’Keefe and You can hide by Rebecca Zanetti and it’ll be done before the end of the week. Hopefully. Guess what? Yep, I’ve signedContinue reading “Blog post 11/23/22”

Blog post 10/28/22

I have a whole lot of reviews to write, and they’re not happening soon. I’ll get to them: Reckless rebound by Brooke O’Brien–this one I MUST write it tomorrow at the latest–God of malice by Rina Kent, The marriage arrangement by Kim Loraine, and Showmancing the bone by Erin Mallon. I’ll do my best nextContinue reading “Blog post 10/28/22”

Blog post 04/30/22: april tally

Books: 16 (7 audiobooks) New authors: 5 Fave subgenre: forbidden is the word Challenges completed: book with a troublesome heroine (Treachery by Lily White); book with a heart in the title or on the cover (Flirtasaurus by Erin Mallon); mindfuck (The body painter by Pepper Winters)Bonus: I forgot last month the book that spelled TWAT (Rush by SM West)Continue reading “Blog post 04/30/22: april tally”

REVIEW: Rush by SM West

Summary Rush – noun: a surging of emotion My life is falling apart.Fired from my job.Blacklisted across NYC.At odds with my mother.The only thing good I have to hold on to is the memory of my steamy one-night stand. Only I had no idea who Eli was…Or that I’d end up working on his movieContinue reading “REVIEW: Rush by SM West”

Blog post 03/25/22

I’ll probably catch up this weekend, but real life is a bitch. So my reviews for Heated rivalry by Rachel Reid and Rush by SM West aren’t posted yet. That doesn’t mean that I do nothing. I read and listen, of course, and I sign up for ARCs and ALCs. This times, I received codesContinue reading “Blog post 03/25/22”

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