Currently listening: A very friendly Valentine’s Day by Kayley Loring

I’m starting A very friendly Valentine’s Day by Kayley Loring, narrated by Connor Crais–who’s new to me–and Mackenzie Cartwright–who I already like a lot. There won’t be a review after this one as I’ve already reviewed it as an ebook, but I’ll update the review with my thoughts about the audiobook.

Currently listening: Little white lies by Jude Ouvrard

I’ve finished Southern hotshot by Jessica Peterson–and it was the hottest thing ever!–and I’ll post my review tomorrow at the latest. I’m still reading Always with you by EH Lyon. In the meantime, I’ve started Little white lies by Jude Ouvrard. Also, I won a code for A very friendly Valentine’s Day by Kayley Loring,Continue reading “Currently listening: Little white lies by Jude Ouvrard”

A very friendly Valentine’s Day, by Kayley Loring (review before release)

Summary EDDIE: Cancel your dinky little roomette on the train. I’m booking us two of the big bedroom suites. BIRDIE: I’ll cancel it AFTER you’ve booked the other sleeper rooms. And reimburse you. EDDIE: Don’t worry about it. Just cancel your tickets. I got this. Round trip. I’m on the Amtrak website right now. BIRDIE:Continue reading “A very friendly Valentine’s Day, by Kayley Loring (review before release)”

Blog post 12/18/20

What to expect: I should have my review for Wicked embrace by Olivia Boothe up by the end of the day. But… in the meantime, I’ve also finished reading Rebel by Laura Pavlov and listening to Code name: Genesis by Sawyer Bennett, and that means two more reviews. I’ll try to write them this weekend.Continue reading “Blog post 12/18/20”

Impossible odds, by Jill Ramsower (review before release)

Summary He was a vision of power and privilege.Ruthless arrogance personified.A total stranger and an irresistible challenge. I approached him in a busy casino and felt the sting of his brutal rejection.Then I did something incredibly brazen. Impulsive. Reckless. I stole from him. The object was inconsequential, only worth a handful of dollars.I didn’t doContinue reading “Impossible odds, by Jill Ramsower (review before release)”

Charmer, by Kayley Loring

Summary NICO She serves me coffee late at night when I come around to write lyrics,but it’s not the caffeine I’ve gotten addicted to. We’ve got the spark, but she’s the only woman in townwho seems to be immune to my charms. When it’s time for me to leave for my cross-country tour,I just can’tContinue reading “Charmer, by Kayley Loring”

Forever lies, by Jill Ramsower

Summary Luca was heartache waiting to happen.   On the surface, he appears well-dressed and professional, but behind those impassive black irises, I can sense something dark and ruthless. He’s unlike any man I’ve come across in my life. With my wealthy upbringing, I’ve been around any number of affluent, powerful men, but Luca isContinue reading “Forever lies, by Jill Ramsower”

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