REVIEW: Liar liar by Donna Alam

Summary My first mistake?Causing the h-o-t Frenchman a concussion.My second?Telling the hospital staff that I was his girlfriend.In my defense, he didn’t speak English.My third?Taking him home and letting him sleep in my bed.I never said I was Florence Nightingale . . . He gave me a night I’ll never forget but when I wake,Continue reading “REVIEW: Liar liar by Donna Alam”

REVIEW: Zero by SM West (ALC)

Summary Zero’s an arrogant, enigmatic, dangerous hacker.He wants to protect me.Pity.He’s too late. I’m a lost cause. I narrowly escaped death only to now live on a knife’s edge, constantly checking the shadows for monsters.And I can’t trust him.He knows far too much about me, and I know nothing about him.Even still, this inscrutable strangerContinue reading “REVIEW: Zero by SM West (ALC)”


NOW LIVE!!! The audiobook of Zero by SM West, narrated by Aaron Shedlock and Lucy Rivers is now available!!! Blurb Zero’s an arrogant, enigmatic, dangerous hacker.  He wants to protect me. Pity. He’s too late. I’m a lost cause. I narrowly escaped death only to now live on a knife’s edge, constantly checking the shadowsContinue reading “NEW AUDIO: ZERO by SM West”

Stay, by Tia Louise

Summary Stephen Hastings is a control freak.He’s arrogant. He’s smart as a whip and sexy AF.He has too much money. He’s bossy, and he’s usually right.All I saw were his clear blue eyes, tight butt, and ripped torso.I gladly handed him my V-card that night, ten years ago.I was so stupid. I swore I’d neverContinue reading “Stay, by Tia Louise”

Cocky roommate, by Claire Kingsley

Summary This roommate thing is not going to work. Kendra is a messy-haired, pajama-pants-wearing little ball of sass. The first thing she does is try to make friends with my random from the night before—giving her all sorts of bad ideas. I don’t date. I don’t use words like girlfriend, or I’ll text you later.Continue reading “Cocky roommate, by Claire Kingsley”

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