REVIEW: The secrets you keep by Tracy Lorraine

Summary My naive heart only ever beat for two guys… Two totally unattainable guys. Forbidden guys— the kind mothers warn their daughters about. Tristan was the one everyone wanted… but he was also my brother’s best friend. Smart, kind, and hot as hell, with a one-way ticket straight to the NFL. And then there wasContinue reading “REVIEW: The secrets you keep by Tracy Lorraine”

Blog post 03/29/23

Remember the White Rabbit? Well, it’s me at this moment. I’m late, I’m late! Duke by Kayley Loring and Connor Crais releases tomorrow, and I’m far from finishing it. So my reviews are on pause–which is okay, as I have only one to write, for The secrets you keep by Tracy Lorraine. And I signedContinue reading “Blog post 03/29/23”

Blog post 03/26/23

Still one review to write–for The secrets you keep by Tracy Lorraine–and I’m done. Woot woot! Coming my way are Then you’re mine by Willow Winters, Superstar by Kate Meader and Just Mr Love by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, making April another busy month. Oh well, I suppose I’ll sleep when I’m dead. Going back toContinue reading “Blog post 03/26/23”

Blog post 03/10/23

I have three reviews to write–America’s sweatheart by Jessica Lemmon, Fallen raven 2 by Diana A Hicks, and What happens in Carolina by Karen Grey–and I’ll get them done this weekend, I swear. There must have been some confusion in the sign ups, I don’t know. What I know is that right now, I’m notContinue reading “Blog post 03/10/23”

Blog post 04/02/22

I’m just back from my first ever signing event, in Paris, and I have a few goodies to share. As seen in the pictures above, I came back with some books and swag from the authors I met. Here’s the list: RJ Scott, Annika Martin, LA Cotton, Nora Phoenix, Tracy Lorraine, Crystal Kaswell, CD Reiss,Continue reading “Blog post 04/02/22”


NOW LIVE!!! The Forbidden Trilogy, Redemption & Temptation Duets by Tracy Lorraine are now available in box sets! All 3 box sets are on sale for a limited time only + FREE in Kindle Unlimited!!! “a phenomenal read… amazing characters as well as an amazing story line” – Amazon reviewer “This book was FANTASTIC!! …a definiteContinue reading “NEW RELEASE: THE FORBIDDEN TRILOGY, REDEMPTION & TEMPTATION DUETS by Tracy Lorraine”

TITLE REVEAL: FIERCE by Tracy Lorraine

TITLE REVEAL!!! Fierce, the 4th book in the Rosewood High Series by Tracy Lorraine releases August 20!!! Add to your Goodreads TBR ➩ the title reveal trailer ➩ for Fierce for most anticipated romance in August ➩ & Bookstagrammers, sign up to review ➩ Everyone thinks they know me… but they’re wrong. FearlessContinue reading “TITLE REVEAL: FIERCE by Tracy Lorraine”

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