Blog post 12/07/23

I swear I’m trying to have my reviews up. It won’t be in the order I’ve read/listened to the books, because some reviews are more important than others–sorry–but I’ll do my best. Also, I’ve signed up for way fewer ARCs and ALCs, to clear up my schedule. That doesn’t mean I didn’t sign up forContinue reading “Blog post 12/07/23”

Blog post 05/29/21

Life’s busy, so I haven’t been able to finish a book yet. I’m trying to read at least Next in line by J Bengtsson by tomorrow evening so I can post my review–I’m liking it so far. In the meantime, I signed up for an ARC of Pippa Grant’s next release, of course. Need IContinue reading “Blog post 05/29/21”

The takeover, by TL Swan (review before release)

Summary I first met Tristan Miles at a meeting where he was trying to take over my late husband’s company. He was powerful, arrogant, and infuriatingly gorgeous, and I hated him with every cell in my body. In the shock of the century, he called me three days later and asked me on a date.Continue reading “The takeover, by TL Swan (review before release)”

Blog post 07/07/20

I finished Where loyalties lie by Jill Ramsower–damn it was good–early today and am diving right into Marcus’s story. I’m expecting another rollercoaster ride with Willow Winters. So far, July is a really good month, I’ve enjoyed every book I’ve read so far. What to expect: I’ll post my next review today or tomorrow, andContinue reading “Blog post 07/07/20”

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