REVIEW: Just one song by Stacey Lynn

Summary Nicole Parsons had the perfect life, made complete with the suburban home and the proverbial white picket fence. When tragedy struck and she lost the most important people in her life, she turned away from everything she loved before; shutting out every reminder of the perfect life she lost. It has been one year,Continue reading “REVIEW: Just one song by Stacey Lynn”

Blog post 05/22/22

I’m catching up, almost there! That’s easier since Perfect score by Christina Lee has disappeared from Amazon–don’t ask why, I don’t know–so I won’t be reviewing it. So I just have to write my review for Just one song by Stacey Lynn, and it’ll be up later today. I’m also listening to Empire of sinContinue reading “Blog post 05/22/22”

Blog post 05/19/22

Real life is trying to kill me, it seems. You know, sick kid, sick me, the whole shebang. BUT I’m sneaking a little bit of reading/listening here and there. Don’t expect any review soon though. That’s okay, neither Just one song by Stacey Lynn nor Perfect score by Christina Lee have a deadline. Didn’t seeContinue reading “Blog post 05/19/22”


COVER REVEAL!!! Rule breaker by Stacey Lynn releases May 10!!! Blurb Spending the night in jail isn’t exactly how I planned to spend Christmas, but I’ve had worse holidays… Now that I’m out, it’s time to accept my real punishment. Coaching ten-year-old terrors on the ice, in my non-existent free time. My Coach thinks it’dContinue reading “COVER REVEAL: RULE BREAKER by Stacey Lynn”

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