Blog post 11/19/21

Busy day, busy day. I’m almost caught up with my reviews: I’ll post the one for Big bad wolf 2 by Diana A Hicks sometimes tomorrow. I was supposed to slow down, but I’ve already read/listened to 16 books. What is my life, really… And since I’m obviously a glutton for punishment, I’ve signed upContinue reading “Blog post 11/19/21”

Blog post 06/24/21

I’m caught up with my reviews, yay! I was offered a new free audible trial–right in the middle of an audible crazy sale. They’re good. They’re reaaaaally good. So of course, I took advantage of it. I spent my new shiny credit on The traitor by TJ London–because it’s still not whispersynced and though IContinue reading “Blog post 06/24/21”

Code name: Genesis, by Sawyer Bennett

Summary Years ago, we were in love. She was an up-and-coming superstar and I was the security professional hired to keep her safe. We fell hard and fast, no matter how much we tried to resist one another. But not everyone around us was happy about our relationship, and a string of lies and deceitContinue reading “Code name: Genesis, by Sawyer Bennett”

Blog post 12/18/20

What to expect: I should have my review for Wicked embrace by Olivia Boothe up by the end of the day. But… in the meantime, I’ve also finished reading Rebel by Laura Pavlov and listening to Code name: Genesis by Sawyer Bennett, and that means two more reviews. I’ll try to write them this weekend.Continue reading “Blog post 12/18/20”

Blog post 12/16/20

A very quick update as I’m still reading Rebel by Laura Pavlov and listening to Wicked embrace by Olivia Boothe. What to expect: I should be done with my audiobook tomorrow, so I’ll post my review tomorrow or the day after. After that, I’ll be listening to Code name: Genesis by Sawyer Bennett, narrated byContinue reading “Blog post 12/16/20”

Blog post 10/22/20

What to expect: as planned, I’ve started Devious lies by Parker S Huntington, and though it’s a big book and I’ve finally received The librarian’s vampire assistant 5 and I’m not sure I’ll be able to read it before release date, I just can’t stop! It’s so good! As soon as I’ve finished it, I’llContinue reading “Blog post 10/22/20”

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