Blog post 12/11/20

What to expect: I have just finished both Driven by Rebecca Zanetti and Hard-riding cowboy by Stacey Kennedy. Weekend will be crazy though, so I’m not sure when I’ll be able to write and post my reviews. I’m starting reading A very bossy Christmas by Kayley Loring–for my reading challenge–and listening to Line of scrimmageContinue reading “Blog post 12/11/20”

Blog post 07/31/20: July tally

Books: 16 (7 audiobooks) New authors: 7 Fave subgenre: a lot of romantic suspenses this month, and a few billionaire romances; also, surprisingly because it isn’t a genre I read a lot usually, there was a ridiculous amount of small town romances Challenges completed: book that had been on my TBR for more than 3Continue reading “Blog post 07/31/20: July tally”

Blog post 06/30/20: June tally

Books: 15 (8 audiobooks) New authors: 10 Fave subgenre: so many different genres and tropes this month, but it’s a win for the Cocky Hero Club, and for men in kilts Challenges completed: book about first responder or military hero (Building Bridges by Lia Fairchild); book that makes you grab a vibrator/sex toy (the MacTaggartContinue reading “Blog post 06/30/20: June tally”

Sawyer – Samantha Whiskey

Summary (from Samantha Whiskey’s Goodreads page) Balancing an NHL schedule and my mother’s care fills every minute of my day, But one glance at Scythe’s bartender, and I’m looking for ways to make time. Echo Hayes is my exact opposite: she’s wild—I’m reserved. She’s fearless—I’m careful. She’s a 1 a.m. last call, and I’m aContinue reading “Sawyer – Samantha Whiskey”

Axel – Samantha Whiskey

Summary (from Samantha Whiskey’s Goodreads page) The NHL’s been at my door since I was 18. But I’d never leave the Swedish Hockey League— Not while raising my little brother. But now he’s grown and the Carolina Reapers show up with my greatest weakness: Langley Pierce, their new head of PR. I’ve never been ableContinue reading “Axel – Samantha Whiskey”

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