Blog post 08/05/21

So, a few things. I’ve been approved for an ARC of Rory in a kilt by Anna Durand, yes! I also signed up for one of Confessions of an obsessed frat boy by Molly Storm and Chelsea McDonald. I also bought a few books: Caspian by Samantha Whiskey, Winning with him by Lauren Blakely–upgraded toContinue reading “Blog post 08/05/21”

Blog post 03/21/21

I’m super happy to have received a code for Sara L Hudson’s last book, Space oddities. I had it as an ebook, but now I’ll be able to listen to it, and it’s always a pleasure. I also signed up for two new books: Samanthe Beck’s next book, Wet and reckless, and Deadly memories byContinue reading “Blog post 03/21/21”

Blog post 12/27/20

Quick update. What to expect: I’m still reading You know I need you by Willow Winters–I like it, but I don’t know, I have very good audiobooks to listen to, and little time, and I guess I made my choice. I’ll probably finish it by tomorrow though, and post the review right away, because releaseContinue reading “Blog post 12/27/20”

Grinder, by Samantha Whiskey

Summary Gage McPherson was the Seattle Shark’s best Grinder, until he shattered his shoulder last season. Time heals all wounds…but the heartbroken single dad has more than his share of trust issues. The playboy only lets one girl close to his iced-over heart—his pint-sized daughter who’s the center of his world. She’s the only thingContinue reading “Grinder, by Samantha Whiskey”

Blog post 12/19/20

I’ve started my ARC of Change of course, a delicious MM teacher/student book by Sierra Hill. Full cover isn’t yet available, so you get just a tease! What to expect: how things can change in 24 hours! I’ve already finished Grinder by Samantha Whiskey–thanks insomnia–so now I have 3 reviews to write *facepalm* I shouldContinue reading “Blog post 12/19/20”

Blog post 12/18/20

What to expect: I should have my review for Wicked embrace by Olivia Boothe up by the end of the day. But… in the meantime, I’ve also finished reading Rebel by Laura Pavlov and listening to Code name: Genesis by Sawyer Bennett, and that means two more reviews. I’ll try to write them this weekend.Continue reading “Blog post 12/18/20”

Blog post 12/16/20

A very quick update as I’m still reading Rebel by Laura Pavlov and listening to Wicked embrace by Olivia Boothe. What to expect: I should be done with my audiobook tomorrow, so I’ll post my review tomorrow or the day after. After that, I’ll be listening to Code name: Genesis by Sawyer Bennett, narrated byContinue reading “Blog post 12/16/20”

Blog post 12/13/20

I’m starting book 3 in the Montgomery brothers series by Laura Pavlov, yay! What to expect: I managed to post the two reviews I promised to try to write for today! But in the meantime I finished two other books and I have two more reviews to write… I’ll try to have them up byContinue reading “Blog post 12/13/20”

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