REVIEW: Crave by Piper Lawson (ALC)

Summary Turns out the beautiful man from the club is my new professor… But he wasn’t when he kissed me. Olivia Barclay has never set foot in a strip club. She’s definitely not a girl who would seize the stage. But when she learns her ‘perfect’ boyfriend has been cheating, she lets loose for theContinue reading “REVIEW: Crave by Piper Lawson (ALC)”

REVIEW: Rivals by Piper Lawson (ALC)

Summary When the biggest rockstar in the world invited me into his home, there was one rule: Don’t touch his daughter. For a kid from the wrong side of the tracks with no future, the offer should have been a dream come true. Classy new digs. A fancy prep school. Someone who cares what happensContinue reading “REVIEW: Rivals by Piper Lawson (ALC)”

Blog post 01/12/23

Finally caught up with my reviews, just in time for Tia Louise’s Forbidden’s release! I should have finished Savages by Sheridan Anne soon, so probably a new review this weekend. I got a few books in the meantime. I was one of the winners for a reading challenge, so I’m waiting for an Amazon giftContinue reading “Blog post 01/12/23”

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