Wicked embrace, by Olivia Boothe

Summary I wanted one thing–to never fall in love again. But the universe had other plans. One look into Tom Wright’s olive-green eyes, and I free-fell crazy in love with the one man destined to break my heart. I know, because I’ve yet to learn my lesson. The past never dies, and mine is ready toContinue reading “Wicked embrace, by Olivia Boothe”

Blog post 12/18/20

What to expect: I should have my review for Wicked embrace by Olivia Boothe up by the end of the day. But… in the meantime, I’ve also finished reading Rebel by Laura Pavlov and listening to Code name: Genesis by Sawyer Bennett, and that means two more reviews. I’ll try to write them this weekend.Continue reading “Blog post 12/18/20”

Blog post 12/16/20

A very quick update as I’m still reading Rebel by Laura Pavlov and listening to Wicked embrace by Olivia Boothe. What to expect: I should be done with my audiobook tomorrow, so I’ll post my review tomorrow or the day after. After that, I’ll be listening to Code name: Genesis by Sawyer Bennett, narrated byContinue reading “Blog post 12/16/20”

Blog post 12/13/20

I’m starting book 3 in the Montgomery brothers series by Laura Pavlov, yay! What to expect: I managed to post the two reviews I promised to try to write for today! But in the meantime I finished two other books and I have two more reviews to write… I’ll try to have them up byContinue reading “Blog post 12/13/20”

Blog post 11/19/20

Since I’m done with ARCs reading until end of the month, I was supposed to take it slower. That was before I became so engrossed in the books I was reading that I could hardly put them down to sleep at night… I’m exhausted, and 2020 is finally taking a toll on me. So I’mContinue reading “Blog post 11/19/20”

Wicked dance, by Olivia Boothe

Summary Former dance student Sara Hart had aspired to grace the stage on Broadway, but a reckless decision forced her to renounce that dream. Years later, while struggling with an ungratifying job and an even more unsatisfying love life, she literally stumbles upon a dangerously sexy stranger who sends her heart—and her body—into hyperdrive. HisContinue reading “Wicked dance, by Olivia Boothe”

Blog post 10/06/20

What to expect: AH I’d like to know myself! I got a surprise release from Willow Winters, and there goes my schedule 😀 I’ll post my reviews for the collection Simply irresistible–though I’ve read only one of the stories, as required–and for Wicked dance by Olivia Boothe tomorrow, probably. I should be able to meetContinue reading “Blog post 10/06/20”

Blog post 10/02/20

I’ve started another book from the Cocky Hero Club, by another new to me author, Sierra Hill. I’m 20% in and I’m loving it! What to expect: I also just finished ANOTHER Cocky Hero Club release, one that had been sitting in my Audible account for some time, Cocky suit by Harlow Layne, co-narrated byContinue reading “Blog post 10/02/20”

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