REVIEW: Burden by Melissa Ellen

Summary One day, the life I lead will get me killed.It’s my burden to carry.One I easily accept.One I never thought twice about until the day I met her. While avenging his mother’s death, Declan Connolly trusts no one, not even the men sworn to be loyal to him as the leader of their IrishContinue reading “REVIEW: Burden by Melissa Ellen”

Blog post 06/22/22

Nothing to share today. I’m actively reading Love me by Willow Winters and Amelia Wilde, and listening to Burden by Melissa Ellen. Hopefully, I’ll have one or two review this weekend. BUT it’s a special weekend and I’m not sure yet how much internet time I’ll have. But I have some news. I got aContinue reading “Blog post 06/22/22”

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