REVIEW: Fired up by Anna Durand

Summary He sets women ablaze, but the only one he needs may be fireproof. Humiliated by her cheating ex, control freak Mel Thompson has resolved to avoid sex and romance. But her plans skid off the rails on her birthday, when she overindulges in champagne and tries to seduce her best friend, Adam Caras, exposingContinue reading “REVIEW: Fired up by Anna Durand”

REVIEW: Try right by Jill Brashear

Summary She’s on a mission to reunite with her soul mate. He’s the fool who agreed to help her. A year ago Claudia was Hollywood’s most sought-after actress, now the only role she can get is a bit part in a tv series filmed in Hawaii. She can’t afford to say no, and Hawaii offersContinue reading “REVIEW: Try right by Jill Brashear”

Blog post 12/20/21

I’m too excited, I can’t keep it to myself! Karen Grey has gathered reviewers to promote audiobooks from fellow authors, and I’m part of the team, YES! I already have my first audiobook–even though I won’t be able to listen and review before next week. It’s by a new to me author, Jill Brashear. TryContinue reading “Blog post 12/20/21”

Blog post 11/24/21

I thought I could write two reviews today, but real life got in the way. I’ll write and post my review for Rushed by Aurora Rose Reynolds tomorrow. I’ve been approved for an ARC of Season’s change by Cait Nary, and I’m curious about this book. I also won a code for Fired up byContinue reading “Blog post 11/24/21”

REVIEW: The Outlands shifter by Anna Durand

Summary I crave adventure and a real man, the kind who sweeps a woman off her feet and steals her breath away. But all I get in grad school is losers who don’t even know how to kiss. My friends talk me into a day trip to an Old West ghost town for “fun.” It’sContinue reading “REVIEW: The Outlands shifter by Anna Durand”

Currently listening: The Outlands shifter by Anna Durand

I’m starting The Outlands shifter by Anna Durand, narrated by Shane East and Mackenzie Cartwright. PNR/shifter AND cowboy romance, that’s like way far from what I’m usually reading/listening to, but I’m willing to try–and maybe a bit excited!

Blog post 06/14/21

My review for Orbiting Mars by KL Savage will be up in a few, while that of the Retrieval duet by Aly Martinez will be posted tomorrow. I’m one of the lucky ones who received an ALC of These walls can talk 2: the narwhal strikes back by Erin Mallon, and I’ll listen to itContinue reading “Blog post 06/14/21”

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