REVIEW: Dirty slide by Lauren Blakely and KD Casey

Summary Don’t play dirty.That’s the code I live by on and off the field.The other?Don’t get distracted.Not by the media, not by hookups, and definitely not by our rival team’s ridiculously charming star player, who loves to whisper dirty nothings to me every time we play ball.And sure, his offers are tempting, but he’s theContinue reading “REVIEW: Dirty slide by Lauren Blakely and KD Casey”

Blog post 07/27/23

I’m currently in a wheelchair with a broken ankle. Great vacations indeed! You’d think that meant I had time to write all my reviews, and you’d be wrong. I’ll try to have 4 hints you love your best friend by Kelly Siskind up before the end of the week though. The other reviews will wait.Continue reading “Blog post 07/27/23”

REVIEW: The boyfriend comeback by Lauren Blakely

Summary Some men are just off-limits. Like, say, all the other football players in the league.But I’ve been crushing hard on one quarterback in particular for the last year. When Jason invites me to his place the night before my first pro football game, I say yes so fast. Our white-hot time together answers aContinue reading “REVIEW: The boyfriend comeback by Lauren Blakely”

Blog post 12/07/22

I know, I know. I should have written more review by now. What can I say? Life got in the way. I’ll try to have my reviews for The boyfriend comeback by Lauren Blakely and Egotistical enemy by LM Reid up tomorrow. I already know what my next listen will be: Scrooge-ish by LB Dunbar.Continue reading “Blog post 12/07/22”

Blog post 12/04/22

People, the month has barely began, and I’m already late with my reviews. Well not really late, as one book is already live–The boyfriend comeback by Lauren Blakely–and I have no deadline, and the other’s deadline is next Monday–Egotistical enemy by LM Reid. I suppose I’m good. For now. Because, you see, I’m already bookingContinue reading “Blog post 12/04/22”

Blog post 09/30/22

Quick update, since there’ll be a tally blog post at the end of the day. I’m almost caught up with my reviews, yay! One more and I’m good. I’ll try to do it today, so I start October with a clean slate. I did some purchases yesterday… I got the whispersynced audio for Dirty slideContinue reading “Blog post 09/30/22”

REVIEW: Here comes my man by Lauren Blakely

Summary Let me just say this — fake dating the cocky movie star was not my idea. Especially since he’s my former roomie and, gulp, my secret ex. But my agent tells me I have no choice since I’m ridiculously overdue with turning in the next big blockbuster love story to my publisher. Not to mention, ahem,Continue reading “REVIEW: Here comes my man by Lauren Blakely”

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