REVIEW: Fragile illusion by Lainey Davis

Summary It started with a lie. A story to clean up his bad-boy reputation. But he never bargained on falling for the girl. Thatcher Stag doesn’t give a sht what his family thinks. He works hard, sells his art for a fck-ton of money, and celebrates with the ladies. But his brothers just won’t easeContinue reading “REVIEW: Fragile illusion by Lainey Davis”

Blog post 03/09/21

So many things happened since my last blog post! Well, not that many, but still… So, I got codes for two audiobooks, Call me crazy by Melanie Harlow, and Fragile illusion by Lainey Davis. I also signed up for an ARC of an interesting book, Rattlesnake road by Amanda McKinney. And… maybe my interview isContinue reading “Blog post 03/09/21”

Sweet distraction, by Lainey Davis

Summary Tim Stag has it all under control. He’s taken charge of his family ever since his mother’s death, raising his brothers while finishing college and law school early. Now he runs an empire, and nothing will stand in his way as he looks to expand Stag Law. Until Alice Peterson comes along. The newContinue reading “Sweet distraction, by Lainey Davis”

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