NOW LIVE!!! The audiobook of Mafia king by L Steele, narrated by Jason Clarke and Roxy Isles, is available!!! Blurb ″You may call me Lord or Master…” Michael Byron Domenico Sovrano. Lord of the underworld. Master of all the criminal masterminds who ever crawled the underbelly of Sicily’s notorious mafia company. aka my captor… WhoContinue reading “NEW AUDIO: MAFIA KING by L Steele”

REVIEW: The billionaire’s baby by L Steele

Summary I never should have agreed to this fake relationship… Arpad growlypants Beauchamp aka GrumpzillaThe first time he met me, he told me that he hated my company.I retaliated by spitting my Chai Tea Latte all over his tailormade slacks.He granted the security agency I run, his business anyway, huh? Clearly, it’s because he wantsContinue reading “REVIEW: The billionaire’s baby by L Steele”

Blog post 12/31/21: HAPPY NEW YEAR

I know, I know, I have much to do: writing reviews for The billionaire’s baby by L Steele and Cocky Devil by Tara L Ames; writing a wrap up post for the month and the year… Well, I’ll do my best to have those posts up tomorrow! In the meantime, have a Happy New Year,Continue reading “Blog post 12/31/21: HAPPY NEW YEAR”

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