REVIEW: Two pretty lies by Kelleigh Clare

Summary She sits alone in a coffeehouse, and her fearless innocence wrecks me.My longing to ruin her is as painful as she is beautiful. Katie Reed.Math prodigy.Lovely, determined, quite unexpected.Mine. When I find out she lied to me, that an assassin hunts for her father and she’sin the line of the fire, I order herContinue reading “REVIEW: Two pretty lies by Kelleigh Clare”

Blog post 04/14/22

Well I doubt I’ll get my review for The long game by Rachel Reid up before this weekend. But I’ll get it done. Eventually. In the meantime, because I love being extra busy apparently, I signed up for an ALC of Beautiful game by Lainey Davis–I listened to two of her books before, with theContinue reading “Blog post 04/14/22”

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