REVIEW: Regards, Mia by Jill Brashear (ALC)

Blurb A criminal on the loose puts Mia’s life at stake, but the last man she wants to save her is her one-night stand. A viper in the courtroom, District Attorney, Mia James is not accustomed to being overruled, but when a villain from her past is about to uproot her life, she’s forced toContinue reading “REVIEW: Regards, Mia by Jill Brashear (ALC)”


NARRATOR REVEAL!!! The audiobook of Regards, Mia by Jill Brashear is narrated by Connor Crais and Samantha Brentmoor!!! Blurb A criminal on the loose puts Mia’s life at stake, but the last man she wants to save her is her one-night stand. A viper in the courtroom, District Attorney, Mia James is not accustomed toContinue reading “NARRATOR REVEAL: REGARDS, MIA by Jill Brashear”

Blog post 02/02/24

No chance to write more reviews than I wanted, but at least I’m right on time with the deadlines. I suppose I was feeling too comfortable, I added a whole bunch of books to my schedule. I received a review code for Black widow by Sheridan Anne–because Blake Lockheart, what can I say–and signed upContinue reading “Blog post 02/02/24”

REVIEW: Sincerely, Thatcher Hayes by Jill Brashear

Summary Returning to her small hometown after a failed marriage was supposed to be a fresh start for Pressly. But when she discovers her dream home is a money pit, her daughter blames her for uprooting their lives, and her sexy neighbor turns out to be her first love, things get complicated. Thatcher Hayes hasContinue reading “REVIEW: Sincerely, Thatcher Hayes by Jill Brashear”

Blog post 06/02/23

Remember that I had two reviews to write this weekend? Well now I have three: Maniacs by Sheridan Anne, Liar liar by Donna Alam, and Sincerely, Thatcher Hayes by Jill Brashear. Oh well. Just a quick update, because I got a couple of new books. I have ARCs of the new improved versions of HookedContinue reading “Blog post 06/02/23”

NEW AUDIO: TRY OVER by Jill Brashear

NOW LIVE!!! The audiobook of Try over by Jill Brashear, narrated by Kaleo Griffith and Henriette Zoutomou, is available!!! Blurb He wants a second chance.I want revenge…And I’ll do anything to get it. Two years ago I left Hawaii with a broken heart and a sunburn, and never thought I’d go back. Then I gotContinue reading “NEW AUDIO: TRY OVER by Jill Brashear”

REVIEW: Try over by Jill Brashear (ALC)

Summary He wants a second chance.I want revenge…And I’ll do anything to get it. Two years ago I left Hawaii with a broken heart and a sunburn, and never thought I’d go back. Then I got the invitation to my best friend’s wedding. She’s marrying the surfing world’s biggest dreamboat. And she wants me asContinue reading “REVIEW: Try over by Jill Brashear (ALC)”

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