REVIEW: Captive of the night by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

Summary Roslyn Blackthorne is dead. I should know, I watched it happen. My twin and I didn’t believe we’d ever meet our mate, and then she showed up in our bar and the world as we knew it changed. Fate hadn’t been kind to us. Not once. So it shouldn’t have come as a surpriseContinue reading “REVIEW: Captive of the night by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)”

Currently listening: Captive of the night by K Loraine and Meg Anne (ALC)

As usual, I start a new book AND a new audiobook on the same day… This time, it’s book 3 in the Mate Games: Pestilence series, Captive of the night, by K Loraine and Meg Anne, still narrated by Stella Hunter, Teddy Hamilton, Jacob Morgan, JF Harding, John Hartley and James Joseph. Releases April 10.

REVIEW: Claimed by the shifters by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

Summary I made a deal with a demon so I could be free. Boy did that blow up in my face. Everything is falling apart just as I thought it was coming together. The Mercer twins say I’m their mate. I believe them, even if I can’t let them claim me. No matter how badly my soulContinue reading “REVIEW: Claimed by the shifters by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)”

Currently listening: Claimed by the shifters by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

Book two! I was so waiting for it, and am happy to finally be able to listen to it. Claimed by the shifters by K Loraine and Meg Anne is still narrated by an incredible full cast: John Hartley, Jacob Morgan, JF Harding, James Joseph, Teddy Hamilton and Stella Hunter. Releases February 27.

REVIEW: Deal with the demon by K Loraine and Meg Anne (ALC)

Summary Roslyn Blackthorne is dead. Technically. I faked my death to get out of a loveless marriage but that was only half the battle. To ensure my vampire duke can never find me, I have to run far and fast enough he can’t catch me. Because if he does, it’s over. Not just my life—forContinue reading “REVIEW: Deal with the demon by K Loraine and Meg Anne (ALC)”

Currently listening: Deal with the demon by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

I’m excited to get back to the Mate Games universe. Deal with the demon is still written by K Loraine and Meg Anne, and narrated by Stella Hunter, JF Harding, Jacob Morgan, James Joseph, John Hartley and Teddy Hamilton. All great narrators! It releases January 16.

REVIEW: God of pain by Rina Kent (ALC)

Summary I made a terrible mistake. Being a mafia princess, I knew my fate was already decided. But I went ahead and longed for the wrong one. Creighton King is bad news with a gorgeous exterior. He’s silent, brooding, and obviously emotionally unavailable. So I thought it was over. Until he awakens a beast insideContinue reading “REVIEW: God of pain by Rina Kent (ALC)”

Currently listening: God of pain by Rina Kent (ALC)

Damn I’m late for this one! But I’m finally starting God of pain by Rina Kent, released recently and narrated by James Joseph, Mackenzie Cartwright, Shane East, Jason Clarke and Desiree Ketchum.

REVIEW: Here comes my man by Lauren Blakely

Summary Let me just say this — fake dating the cocky movie star was not my idea. Especially since he’s my former roomie and, gulp, my secret ex. But my agent tells me I have no choice since I’m ridiculously overdue with turning in the next big blockbuster love story to my publisher. Not to mention, ahem,Continue reading “REVIEW: Here comes my man by Lauren Blakely”

Currently listening: Here comes my man by Lauren Blakely

Finally able to slipping this one into my listening schedule. I’ve started Here comes my man by Lauren Blakely, still narrated by Shane East and Teddy Hamilton, with a full cast–including favorites likes JF Harding, Stella Hunter, Vanessa Edwin, James Joseph and Blake Lockheart. And a surprise from Sebastian York.

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