REVIEW: Hateful prince by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

Summary I would scorch the earth for the woman I love. Being a dragon had always been my legacy. But not one I wanted anything to do with. After losing control the first time I shifted, I’d been exiled off to Blackwood, left to rot in the shame of my crimes. I was meant toContinue reading “REVIEW: Hateful prince by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)”

Currently listening: Hateful prince by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

Hateful prince by Meg Anne and K Loraine has been in my TBR list for about four days only, but I was still desperate to start it. The time has come. It’s narrated by Stella Hunter, Samantha Brentmoor, Jason Clarke, JF Harding, John Hartley and James Joseph. Releases March 25.

REVIEW: Hunted beast by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

Summary She’s everything I want, and I hate her for it. Hate might not be the right emotion for what Dahlia stirs in me. But I can’t have her, so telling myself I don’t want her is the only option. Especially since my dog won’t leave her alone. While I’ve been doing my best toContinue reading “REVIEW: Hunted beast by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)”

Currently listening: Hunted beast by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

More Mate Games!!! I’ve started Hunted beast by Meg Anne and K Loraine, still narrated by Stella Hunter, Jason Clarke, James Joseph, JF Harding, John Hartley and Samantha Brentmoor. Releases February 19.

REVIEW: Haunting beauty by Meg Anne and K Loraine

Summary One heroic act damned me for eternity. With a name like Tor, I should have been a hero, just like my father and twin. Turns out I’m not. Not even close. Instead I’m the very thing we hunted. A depraved monster. I thought there was no escaping the curse. No hope for a future.Continue reading “REVIEW: Haunting beauty by Meg Anne and K Loraine”

Currently listening: Haunting beauty by Meg Anne and K Loraine

Not many words needed, right? Except “yes! yes! YES!” I’ve started Haunting beauty by Meg Anne and K Loraine, narrated by Stella Hunter, Jason Clarke, James Joseph, John Hartley, JF Harding and Samantha Brentmoor.

REVIEW: Drive me wild by Kim Loraine (ALC)

Summary I spent my life running from my past, hiding behind a guitar, a microphone, and a fake last name. But after my father’s death, the truth came out, I’m a Wilde, and now I’m in the spotlight more than ever. My record label has big plans for Killian Wilde, the country music sensation, andContinue reading “REVIEW: Drive me wild by Kim Loraine (ALC)”

REVIEW: Lost to the moon by K Loraine and Meg Anne (ALC)

Summary It’s the end of the world as you know it… At least it will be, if my dear despicable mum gets her way. I, however, happen to be quite fond of some of the toys I’ve discovered on this plane. Ma petite monstre, for starters. But the plague is spreading, taking no prisoners, and I’m trappedContinue reading “REVIEW: Lost to the moon by K Loraine and Meg Anne (ALC)”

Currently listening: Lost to the moon by K Loraine and Meg Anne (ALC)

Now that I know that I have to wait to listen to Parentmoon, I’m starting another audiobook in the meantime. Lost to the moon is the final book in the Mate Games: Pestilence series by K Loraine and Meg Anne, and is still narrated by Stella Hunter, Jacob Morgan, JF Harding, James Joseph, Teddy HamiltonContinue reading “Currently listening: Lost to the moon by K Loraine and Meg Anne (ALC)”

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