Blog post 12/18/20

What to expect: I should have my review for Wicked embrace by Olivia Boothe up by the end of the day. But… in the meantime, I’ve also finished reading Rebel by Laura Pavlov and listening to Code name: Genesis by Sawyer Bennett, and that means two more reviews. I’ll try to write them this weekend.Continue reading “Blog post 12/18/20”

Impossible odds, by Jill Ramsower (review before release)

Summary He was a vision of power and privilege.Ruthless arrogance personified.A total stranger and an irresistible challenge. I approached him in a busy casino and felt the sting of his brutal rejection.Then I did something incredibly brazen. Impulsive. Reckless. I stole from him. The object was inconsequential, only worth a handful of dollars.I didn’t doContinue reading “Impossible odds, by Jill Ramsower (review before release)”

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