Blog post 09/19/22

I’m all caught up with my reviews, yay! I’m also somewhat late with my reading schedule. I just need to read and listen faster. But real life is preventing me from doing exactly that… And since I’m nothing but totally crazy, I got the audiobook of The chameleon effect by Joe Arden–that I’ll get toContinue reading “Blog post 09/19/22”

Blog post: 06/30/21: June tally

Books: 27 (15 audiobooks including 2 rereads) New authors: 13 (with two of them on one book) Fave subgenre: romantic suspenses win! Challenges completed: fairytale retelling (Pan by Gina L Maxwell) Total for 2021: 157 books (79 audiobooks), 77 new authors What to expect in July: I had less ARCs this month, but I readContinue reading “Blog post: 06/30/21: June tally”

REVIEW: Pan by Gina L Maxwell

Blogger’s note: the author JUST changed the cover, but I read it with the original cover, so that’s the one I’m putting on my post Summary Once upon a time, in Neverland, North Carolina—I fell in love. I was twelve when Peter first climbed up to my balcony.Thirteen when I sneaked out to see himContinue reading “REVIEW: Pan by Gina L Maxwell”

Blog post 06/23/21

I want to take my time with Pan by Gina L Maxwell–because it was fricking awesome–so I’ll write my review tomorrow. I’ve just signed up for three ARCs in August: two from KL Savage–including the follow up to Tongue’s target, I can’t wait for it–and my Cocky Hero Club release for that month, by aContinue reading “Blog post 06/23/21”

REVIEW: Fighting for Irish by Gina L Maxwell

Summary Former MMA fighter Aiden “Irish” O’Brien hasn’t stepped into the ring since he accidentally took someone’s life in the heat of rage. When his friend calls in a favor that sends him south to check on family, Irish figures he’s got nothing to lose. His life is on the ropes. The least he canContinue reading “REVIEW: Fighting for Irish by Gina L Maxwell”

Blog post 03/27/21

My reviews for Fighting for Irish by Gina L Maxwell and Eligible receiver by SR Grey will be posted before the end of the day. Right now, I’m deep into Weeps indigo by JK Jones and Cruel King by Rina Kent. They’re both dark in their own way, and I long for my happy place.Continue reading “Blog post 03/27/21”

Celebratory post

About a year ago, I started my journey through Romancelandia by reading some of the books that interested me when I played Chapters. To celebrate that special anniversary (and my birthday), I got myself some of the books/authors that started it all, plus some. Because. They’ll look beautiful in my library!

Rules of entanglement – Gina L Maxwell

Summary (from Gina L Maxwell’s website) District Attorney Vanessa MacGregor firmly believes that structure and order are the stuff that dreams are made of. Happiness can be planned–and it starts with the seven rules she’s laid out for her future. But as she’s organizing her best friend’s wedding in Hawaii, all of Vanessa’s best-laid plansContinue reading “Rules of entanglement – Gina L Maxwell”

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