REVIEW: The home wrecker by Sara Cate (ARC)

Summary I’ve been faithful long enough. I never claimed to be a good man, but I’ve always done what was expected of me. Find a nice girl. Get married. Have children. That was my duty as a good Christian man. And everything was going as planned when I met Briar. Beautiful. Charismatic. Sexy. But marriageContinue reading “REVIEW: The home wrecker by Sara Cate (ARC)”

REVIEW: Madame by Sara Cate (ARC)

Summary They think they know me, but they have no idea. As a professional Domme, I see men and women come and go. But no one ever sticks around, and I like it that way. I have a secret to protect—at all costs. So when the cocky, handsome, and submissive Clay Bradley weasels his wayContinue reading “REVIEW: Madame by Sara Cate (ARC)”

REVIEW: The anti-hero by Sara Cate (ARC)

Summary I’ve been good long enough. As the eldest son of Austin’s most prominent preacher, I’ve lived my life on the virtuous side. No scandals. Flawless image. Clean reputation. That’s the way it must be if I’m going to take his place someday. But everything changes when I find out my father is a VIPContinue reading “REVIEW: The anti-hero by Sara Cate (ARC)”

REVIEW: Highest bidder by Sara Cate (ARC)

Summary He’s not just rich…he’s filthy rich. When I started working at Salacious Players’ Club, I never expected to end up on the auction block ready to grant a date to the highest bidder. This club is not really my scene. I’m not the kind of girl rich guys take home. I’m more a piano playing, van-living,Continue reading “REVIEW: Highest bidder by Sara Cate (ARC)”

REVIEW: Initiation by Alethea Faust

Summary Magic is a rare gift that only exists in the bloodlines of the rich, the royal, and the reputable. Dominai of Airedale, a poor hunter and forest guide, is barely one of those things. But after a moonlit encounter with the wizard Allisande, Dominai’s life is changed forever. She reveals that Dominai has magicContinue reading “REVIEW: Initiation by Alethea Faust”

REVIEW: Sophie Valentine by Danielle Aimie

Summary This novel obliterates the stereotypical sexually frustrated leading woman. Sophie isn’t waiting for a charismatic, handsome man to sweep into her life and improve things. Sophie decides she doesn’t need a man to take her by the hand and lead her to happiness. Sophie wants to enjoy sex and explore her sexuality, but monotonyContinue reading “REVIEW: Sophie Valentine by Danielle Aimie”

REVIEW: Morning Glory milking farm by CM Nascosta

Summary Violet is a typical, down-on-her-luck millennial: mid-twenties, over-educated and drowning in debt, on the verge of moving into her parents’ basement. When a lifeline appears in the form of a very unconventional job in neighboring Cambric Creek, she has no choice but to grab at it with both hands. Morning Glory Farm offers full-timeContinue reading “REVIEW: Morning Glory milking farm by CM Nascosta”

REVIEW: Mercy by Sara Cate (ARC)

Summary I don’t want to hurt him—I just want to punish him. ⁠⁠It’s bad enough being the only female owner of the Salacious Players’ Club, but I’m also the only one without a kink, or so I thought. ⁠⁠Imagine my surprise when the kink quiz suggests that I’m not so vanilla after all. ⁠⁠In fact,Continue reading “REVIEW: Mercy by Sara Cate (ARC)”

REVIEW: Give me more by Sara Cate (ARC)

Summary I’m a scoundrel Playboy. Man whore. Basically, I get around, and I’m not afraid to admit it. So when my best friend opens up Salacious Players’ Club and asks me to head the construction, how could I say no? Now we’re on a cross-country road trip touring other kink clubs, and I couldn’t beContinue reading “REVIEW: Give me more by Sara Cate (ARC)”

REVIEW: Eyes on me by Sara Cate (ARC)

Summary I’m a voyeur—it means I like to watch. And in my line of work, that’s a gift. As one of the four owners of the Salacious Players’ Club, I’m comfortable on the sidelines. This is what I was made to do, and I work better alone. Until the day I stumble on a certainContinue reading “REVIEW: Eyes on me by Sara Cate (ARC)”

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