REVIEW: Ember by Chelle Bliss

Summary Rocco Caldo is tall, dark, and handsome, but not interested in love. Loyal to a fault, he can’t turn away an old friend in need or a beautiful woman on the run…especially when they have unfinished business. Rebel Bishop is a single mom, looking for shelter, not a handout. But when her path crosses withContinue reading “REVIEW: Ember by Chelle Bliss”

Blog post 05/07/22

Bear with me: I know I have to write my reviews for Knocked up in Alaska by Samanthe Beck and Take me by Ella Sheridan, plus Ember by Chelle Bliss that I just finished, and I’m almost done with Make me shiver by Marie Johnston. I’ll try to get all four of them up beforeContinue reading “Blog post 05/07/22”

Blog post 04/30/22: april tally

Books: 16 (7 audiobooks) New authors: 5 Fave subgenre: forbidden is the word Challenges completed: book with a troublesome heroine (Treachery by Lily White); book with a heart in the title or on the cover (Flirtasaurus by Erin Mallon); mindfuck (The body painter by Pepper Winters)Bonus: I forgot last month the book that spelled TWAT (Rush by SM West)Continue reading “Blog post 04/30/22: april tally”

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