Blog post 04/02/22

I’m just back from my first ever signing event, in Paris, and I have a few goodies to share. As seen in the pictures above, I came back with some books and swag from the authors I met. Here’s the list: RJ Scott, Annika Martin, LA Cotton, Nora Phoenix, Tracy Lorraine, Crystal Kaswell, CD Reiss,Continue reading “Blog post 04/02/22”

REVIEW: Iron Crowne by CD Reiss

Summary Byron Crowne is a gentleman on the outside, and a pure savage on the inside.I’m suing him, and the minute I see him across the negotiating table, I detest him.And I can’t resist him.He’s awakened desires I didn’t know I had.When he touches me, I need to fight him . . . and IContinue reading “REVIEW: Iron Crowne by CD Reiss”

Blog post 03/12/2021

Nothing much new, except that Autumn night Whiskey by Willow Winters has been pushed to April 20th. That means I’m almost done with this month’s ARCs–I still have to finish Paper hearts by Brittany Taylor, and read Charmed by the billionaire by Jessica Lemmon. I’m making some changes in my blog’s design. If you haveContinue reading “Blog post 03/12/2021”

Rough edge, by CD Reiss

Summary He’s her husband, but he’s not the man she married.Caden and Greyson come home from deployment to build a life together. Everything is perfect, until Caden starts changing into a different man—one with a savage edge that’s as dangerous as it is sexy.Who is her husband?What has he become?And why?Caden’s roughness hits new heights,Continue reading “Rough edge, by CD Reiss”

Blog post 01/14/21

I’ve started a very early ARC of He said always by Ruth Cardello–release date is May 25th. I’m about 20% in and I like it so far. I love that both main characters are nerds. What to expect: I’m sooooo late! I’ve finished Rough edge by CD Reiss–what an experience–and Private practice by Samanthe Beck–thatContinue reading “Blog post 01/14/21”

Blog post 01/10/21

What to expect: I’ve finished Mine until moonrise by Jennifer Bernard and should post my review later today. I’m about to start Private practice by Samanthe Beck, and then I’ll be reading He said always by Ruth Cardello because I want to make a dent in my ARCs–unless I get And I love you theContinue reading “Blog post 01/10/21”

Blog post 01/01/21

I finished Possession by TK Leigh early this morning, thus I’ve started Arrogant single dad by Alyse Zaftig, from the Cocky Hero Club. Let’s see how good is my first new book of the year! What to expect: after the book mentioned above, I’ll read Hard rocked by Lee Mae and A Hunter. I’m stillContinue reading “Blog post 01/01/21”

Crowne of lies, by CD Reiss

Summary Logan Crowne needs one year from Ella.Twelve months living in his house, holding his hand, wearing his ring on her finger, and in exchange, she’ll get her father’s company in the divorce settlement.They have one year to convince his skeptical parents that they’re happily in love, and he’s settled enough to run Crowne Industries.EllaContinue reading “Crowne of lies, by CD Reiss”

Blog post 08/09/20

What to expect: I have finished Crowne of lies by CD Reiss, the audiobook Joe Arden kindly gave me a code for. I still have to write my review though. But I’ve already started Bully king by JA Huss, for which I also won a code. It’s an unusual story… but I like it. AfterContinue reading “Blog post 08/09/20”

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