REVIEW: Sailor proof by Annabeth Albert (ARC)

Summary The sexy Navy chief and his best friend’s adorkable little brother… It’s petty, but Naval Chief Derrick Fox wishes he could exact a little revenge on his ex by showing off a rebound fling. His submarine is due to return to its Bremerton, Washington, home base soon and Derrick knows all too well thereContinue reading “REVIEW: Sailor proof by Annabeth Albert (ARC)”

Blog post 09/26/21

I promise my reviews for Wrong for him by Christi Barth and Sailor proof by Annabeth Albert will be up later today. In the meantime, I signed up for my Cocky Hero Club read for november, a book by Brenda Rothert. Because. I still need to choose the one for October though. Also, I gotContinue reading “Blog post 09/26/21”

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