REVIEW: Sing by Anna Edwards

Summary Tate Gordon is the lead singer of Saving Tate, the hottest new rock band in Seattle. Having been mentored by music legends, Berrettini, for several years, the group are about to head out on their first world tour. Tate’s excited, but he’s struggling at the same time with the secrets he’s been keeping. HisContinue reading “REVIEW: Sing by Anna Edwards”

Blog post 01/28/23

I’m not much behind on my reviews–I only have to write one for Sing by Anna Edwards–but I’m waaaaaay behind on most of my deadlines. And since I’m not fucked enough, I signed up for a bunch of audio- and ebooks: ARC for Wild ever after by Rebecca Jenshak, Take me by Harper Cross, andContinue reading “Blog post 01/28/23”

Blog post 01/23/23

Guess who’s already behind on her reviews? Yep, I need to write reviews for Initiation by Alethea Faust, and today I finished Outmatched by Kristen Callihan and Samantha Young, and Sing by Anna Edwards. I’ll try to write them as soon as possible. And because I’m a masochist, I signed up for an ALC ofContinue reading “Blog post 01/23/23”

Blog post 01/12/23

Finally caught up with my reviews, just in time for Tia Louise’s Forbidden’s release! I should have finished Savages by Sheridan Anne soon, so probably a new review this weekend. I got a few books in the meantime. I was one of the winners for a reading challenge, so I’m waiting for an Amazon giftContinue reading “Blog post 01/12/23”

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