REVIEW: Dirty flirt by Mira Lyn Kelly (ARC)

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Bad Ideas are kind of my Super power

I’m Ben Boerboom, the NHL’s favorite puck boy, and Lara’s my slamming hot, former bestie. She’s also the friend who got away and my dirty, dirty accomplice from those two insane weeks that weren’t supposed to change anything… but did.

I wanted it all. Would have wrapped my forever around her finger if she’d let me. But if making bad decisions is my special skill, Lara’s is making good ones… Like prioritizing her career goals and the kind of security she didn’t have growing up.

Hard pass on that kind of heartbreak again. So cue the bunnies. Years of bunnies.

Now Lara’s back in my city. Temporarily. And thanks to a burst pipe and a miscommunication with my sister, she’s living in my spare room.

A lot has changed, but two things haven’t. Her goals and the way she sometimes believes my bad ideas are good… like crossing those lines I swore we wouldn’t cross again.


It was so close to perfection! And I can’t even say what was missing exactly.

Reformed playboy with a big heart: check. Ben was mostly adorable. To the point I had a hard time understanding why he slept with all those girls for all those years. As it was his most prominent trait since we first saw him in the series, this book was dedicated to showing who he really was. The things that made him tick. Extra swoon.

Strong-minded heroine: check. At first, I was afraid Lara would be too cold. Yes, she had goals, and yes, she worked hard to reach them, but she wasn’t so intransigent that she ignored the intense connection she had with Ben. I felt though that the reason why she set those goals, and why she left Ben when they were young, was a bit too far-fetched.

This may be the best friends to lovers romance I’ve read in a long time. Lara and Ben were really friends before they were lovers. That made their interactions easy and natural. Their connection ran deep. There was some banter, some heart to heart conversations, a lot of fun. And a strong attraction. Those little touches that ignited their heart and body were the cutest.

I also loved the way their relationship evolved. Every step forward seemed logical, and probably inevitable. And happened naturally. Ben and Lara were on the same page.

Which makes the fact that their problems come from a lack of communication even more annoying. They could talk about almost anything, but not their feelings for each other? I think that’s what bothered me the most.

The hockey part of the story wasn’t really important, but there were still a few interesting bits. Like the work Ben put in to come back after his injury.

In the end my fave book by the author in a long time.


  • Series: Slayers hockey #10 (can be read as a standalone)
  • Hashtags: #hockey romance #second chance romance #friends to lovers #roommates #reformed player
  • Triggers: N/A
  • Main couple: Lara Elliot & Benjamin Boerboom
  • Hotness: 3/5
  • Romance: 4/5
  • the way everything felt so natural between them
  • – communication, guys, it helps!

Stalker mode

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