REVIEW: Rise by Grahame Claire

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I have it all.
As a titan of New York City real estate, there’s nothing out of my reach.
Money. Power. Success.
The rise to the top wasn’t easy, but I’ve overcome every obstacle in my way. Including the biggest one.
Then I met her.
She isn’t afraid to put me in my place. Doesn’t tip toe around me because of who I am.
And she’s there to witness the most humiliating moment of my life.
The thing about being on top is there’s a lot further to fall.
Someone wants to see me lose everything.
And they just may get their wish.
Because I can’t focus on anything except my sister’s best friend.


“You’re under arrest for securities fraud and tax evasion.”

I didn’t move.

Neither did the jerk in the dark suit. His pitch-black aviators shielded his eyes, so I couldn’t read what was in them. What the hell was happening?

Fingers dug into my arm. “Lincoln?”

I couldn’t look at my sister. Couldn’t answer.

Beau pointed at the man. “You’ve got the wrong person.”

Don’t take that tone, little sister. You’ll end up in a cell beside me.

“Aren’t you supposed to investigate before taking someone in? Those are some serious allegations. My brother is innocent.” Leave it to Teague to start swinging if anyone threatened me. I appreciated my brother’s loyalty and friendship, but I didn’t want the three of us to end up behind bars.

The agent’s lip curled. “Oh, we’ve done plenty of investigation. And by the time we’re finished, he won’t see the light of day again.”

“This is a mistake.” Beau’s loud, angry voice had turned low and mean. “I hope you don’t like your job.”

“Are you threatening a federal officer?”

Muffy, one of the dogs my brother’s girlfriend—fiancée—rescued, stepped between me and the agent. His rear was against my leg. It wouldn’t change the situation, but something about him taking up for me too made me feel . . . something I wasn’t certain how to define.

“Control that dog.” The agent put a hand on the weapon at his hip.

“Do not do that.” If he hurt this dog or anyone in this vicinity, he’d have a legitimate reason to arrest me and he’d never be employed again in law enforcement.

He didn’t move his hand from his gun.

I snapped and pointed to the sidewalk. Muffy obediently sat on my foot, though he kept his focus trained on the perceived threat.

“Turn around. Place your hands behind your back.”

I didn’t move.

“If you resist, it’ll make things worse.” There was a gleam in the agent’s tone.

What did he wish to do? Tackle me to the ground?

I kept my features neutral, though I wanted to smirk. I had a good fifty pounds of solid muscle on this weasel. If he charged, it would be like running into a brick wall.

The only advantage he had over me was a gun.


(audiobook) Talk about starting in medias res. Sure, the characters were known from the previous duet in the series–which I didn’t read–but the beginning of this story is still quite brutal. Mostly because, as we don’t know who those characters are, I wasn’t feeling involved in what was happening. The significance of what Lexie was doing for Lincoln, the appearance of Lincoln’s father, even the ‘very special day’ of Lincoln’s brother that is being ruin, it didn’t make any sense. For me. For the same reason, when the scene is over, and the threat gone, I wasn’t relieved. I was just wondering what had exactly happened.

With that said, I didn’t stay remote for long. Explanations are given about who those characters are, how they are connected and what the relationship status is between all of them. It wasn’t an info dump at all, with them offered through scenes that also helped the story progress. We soon get the story behind Lexie taking care of her older brother, the tenuous relationship between Lincoln and his siblings, and their father–and some of the why–and a short rundown on the previous duet.

I don’t know what to think of Lexie and Lincoln’s relationship. They first barely know each other, but don’t really appreciate each other. There’s even some blatant hostility–for reasons unclear, though I suspect it’s just their way of denying any attraction. Then Lincoln starts showing his softer underbelly, and is actually generous and thoughtful with Lexie and her brother. And just like that, after a single meaningful conversation where they exchange some rather personal information, they’re boyfriend and girlfriend. It’s a slow burn though, so don’t expect any sexy time.

But I quite liked the characters’ arcs. On one hand, you see Lincoln on the verge of losing everything, and yet not doing much about it. It puzzled me, to be honest. But at the same time, the situation he’s in forces him to re-evaluate his relationship with the people around him. On the other hand, Lexie is trying to stay afloat, working hard with her brother to make a living, until the very end of the book and its cliffhanger that put her whole life as she knows it in jeopardy.

The narration helped with me getting involved. Both narrators know pretty well how to express deep emotions. Some more angry moments for Lexie and some coldness at times for Lincoln show the range of the narrators’ talent.


  • Series: Shaken #3 (first book in a duet, ends on a cliffhanger)
  • Hashtags: #billionaire romance #opposites attract #enemies to lovers #sister’s best friend #dogs
  • Triggers: parental neglect and psychological abuse, disability
  • Main couple: Lexie Logan & Lincoln Hollingsworth
  • Hotness: 1/5 (nothing happens)
  • Romance: 3/5
  • I loved the slow shift from enemies to couple
  • – I agree with Lincoln’s family, he doesn’t seem much concerned about the situation

Stalker mode

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