REVIEW: Scoring Sutton by Jennifer Bonds (ARC)

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DJ Parker is a Grade A Pr*ck…

The guy struts around campus like he’s God’s gift to Wildcat football, but I know the truth.

He’s arrogant, obnoxious, and terrible in bed.

Two years ago, we hooked up and the only memorable thing about it was the fact that he called me the wrong name and ghosted me afterward. So when he moves in next door, who could blame me for wanting a little revenge?

Too bad my prank didn’t go as planned. Now my gymnastics scholarship is on the line and I’m stuck playing Waverly’s mascot for the rest of the semester.

The only thing worse than the fur suit? Cheering for the guy who shattered my confidence.

Parker is everywhere I look these days, and time has done nothing to diminish our chemistry, so when he vows to redeem himself and suggests an enemies-with-benefits arrangement, I’m down.

After all, Parker and I will never be anything more… Not when we’re fighting for the same internship. Only one of us can finish first, and this time, it’s going to be me.


I’m so happy I discovered this series! I see the author has a thing for a two-part story, with the first half building the relationship, and the second half dedicated to the characters dealing with their personal problems so, in the end, they can enter the relationship fully involved. And I’m loving this .

I enjoyed how Sutton and Parker get together. They have history, though Parker doesn’t remember, and maybe Sutton remembers too much. Until Sutton accidentally reveals what happened that made her hate him, and Parker gives his side of the story, I admit that I didn’t know how to feel about him. He seemed so charming and nice, why would he treat Sutton like that? The author takes her sweet time to reveal what really happened a few years before, and in the meantime, she builds some tension between the characters. There’s attraction, and while Parker is all in, Sutton’s reluctance and her witty comebacks make for a delicious foreplay-ish banter.

Their struggles don’t end when they’re finally together. With the idea that people need more than just a partner to feel complete, Sutton and Parker being in a relationship doesn’t mean that all is fine. They have hangups that threaten their blooming love. I love that the problem wasn’t that they aren’t perfect–on the contrary, they support and help each other. But the wounds are deep and can’t be healed just by someone accepting them. They need to heal by themselves, so they can fully be together. I thought it was very mature of them, which is rare in college age characters.

Another really mature thing, which also reflects on the author and her choices: they realize that they’re both responsible for their relationship’s failure. Of course, at first, they blame each other, but once they’re working on themselves, Parker and Sutton put the blame on themselves, and they meet halfway for the grand gesture. They both grovel. I loved that.

There are a lot of funny moments, some more emotionals, and the sexy times are real hot. I loved that the side characters had a real impact on the main characters outside of their relationship. Parker’s teammates have their own story going on–though they aren’t detailed here at all, as they have their own books–and Sutton’s friends are their own characters with their own life.

On top of that, there’s real sports in my sports romance, and I couldn’t be happier. And not only football, which is at the center of the story, but also gymnastic, and a bit of behind the scene, especially about mascots. On the field and off the field, with a subtle critic about how football eclipses all other sports regarding funds and enthusiasm. An athlete is an athlete. And sometimes a human in love.


  • Series: Waverly Wildcats #3 (can be read as a standalone)
  • Hashtags: #sports romance #football #second chance #enemies to lovers #opposites attract
  • Triggers: mild psychological abuse, learning disability
  • Main couple: Sutton Cruz & DJ Parker
  • Hotness: 4/5
  • Romance: 4/5
  • + I loved how they helped and supported each other
  •  Sutton’s punishment, while a great premise, seemed a bit too much

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