REVIEW: Desire me by Ella Sheridan (ALC)

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She has no memory of her life before him—or of the danger that threatens her now.

Her name is Rae. At least, that’s what the security specialist with the searing hazel eyes and the magnificent body tells her. Saint Solorio, the man she was living with before a car ran her down and she lost all memory of who she is—and who is trying to kill her.

Now she needs his help. His protection. But she won’t let him get through her guard again. That’s a mistake she doesn’t dare repeat when anyone around her could be the enemy.

Rae knocked Saint off his barstool the first time he spotted her across a crowded room. When she asked him to take her home, he’d growled his acceptance despite knowing a one-night stand wasn’t all he wanted. Not with this woman. Too bad the name she’d given him wasn’t hers. And even worse, he is forced to lie to keep her with him.

Now Saint is racing to discover the past of the woman he wants for his own, and uncover the threat that could take her away from him—and also take her life.


(audiobook) Still not a fan of instalove, but I understand why it was necessary here. After just one night, that ends with Rae being injured and losing her memory, Saint is looking for her like his life depends on it. Without their instant connection, it wouldn’t make sense. Once you accept that Saint could have fallen for Rae that fast, you can enjoy the tension and mystery.

It wasn’t exactly original. Most of the plot was Rae and Saint building a relationship while recovering Rae’s memory and, of course, keeping her safe. But the balance between the more intimate moments and the big action stuff was well done. It wasn’t adrenaline all the time, nor emotional scenes all the time. And it was peppered with ensemble scenes with a funnier and lighter tone. I enjoyed the pace, though I felt the ending was slightly rushed.

Things unsaid were kind of the theme, be it things forgotten or straight lies. They’re clearly described as, if not dangerous, at least threatening. Lives are at risk, and relationships don’t go unscathed.

With Saint’s name and sentences in Spanish, I was expecting more cultural bits. There wasn’t a lot, but I suppose his family’s dynamics, and how he acts with his team, were kind of cultural. At least, there was no cheap exotism.

As usual, the narrators do a great job. With so many characters–the family, the team, the enemies–I was afraid I’d get confused, but the voices are different enough. And who doesn’t like some accent and foreign language in their audiobooks?


  • Series: Southern nights: Enigma #5 (can be read as a standalone)
  • Hashtags: #romantic suspense #instalove #one night stand #amnesia
  • Triggers: violence, murder
  • Main couple: Rae & Saint Solorio
  • Hotness: 4/5
  • Romance: 4/5
  • + Saint’s family was an interesting concept
  •  when has lying ever been a good idea?

Stalker mode

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Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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