REVIEW: Love me by Willow Winters and Amelia Wilde (ARC)

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He was mine. My protector, my lover.
My second start at life.
The man who promised me there was more than this.
He gave me hope
Until my world fell apart again.
It was bound to happen. It’s all life has given me.

Maybe he won’t break his promises.
Maybe my heart won’t shatter.
All I want … is for love to be enough.


I’m disappointed in the end. I felt like there was a disconnection between the previous books and this one. Like it wasn’t even the same story.

A new subplot appears–Ella is being blackmailed–and it was so poorly done that I had absolutely no interest in it, and I couldn’t see what was at stakes.

Ella and Zander’s relationship doesn’t evolve a lot, and nothing really threatens it. They deserve their happy ending, but I think the story should have focused on how Zander enters Ella’s world, the struggles and their consequences.

The couple of twists and revelations renewed my interest, but between them, the story drags a bit, even though it’s quite short. We also get more of Ella’s past, but nothing explicit. You have to read between the lines, so you’re never sure about what happened exactly.

I’m still confused about how this series ended, and I’m not sure it’s worth the while–even for the ever sexy bits.


  • Series: Love the way #3 (end of the trilogy)
  • Hashtags: #dark romance #forbidden romance #D/s relationship
  • Triggers: past abuse, past traumas
  • Main couple: Eleanor Bordeu & Zander Thompson
  • Hotness: 4/5
  • Romance: 4/5
  • + we finally learn more about Ella’s past traumas…
  •  …but not enough and a lot is just suggested

Stalker mode

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Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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