REVIEW: Knocked up in Alaska by Samanthe Beck (ARC)

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Everyone in Captivity, Alaska now knows Lilah Iquat’s big (and getting bigger) secret. She’s knocked up. Pregnant. All it took was a foolish decision with lasting consequences. Now Lilah’s going it alone—with the help of the town. But with one particular craving getting stronger, Lilah has her eyes on just one thing: too-sexy Ford Langley.

Ford may be out of the army, but his Special Forces sense of honor and duty hasn’t disappeared. Which is exactly why Lilah is fully off-limits, hands-off, and don’t even think about it, Ford. She’s too young and too bright for a man who’s seen too much, too soon. He’ll hold to his code—even if it kills him. And it just might.

Now Lilah is showing Ford how much light and life and love he’s missing out on, testing every last shred of his resolve. But with a baby on the way and the whole town involved, Ford and Lilah are about to learn the hard way that life never goes according to plan…especially when it comes to love.


My favorite so far in the series! Delilah has been present since the beginning with her secret pregnancy, with the added interesting fact that the father is the dead Shanahan sibling who doubles as a guiding spirit–literally. A blooming romance with the older bar owner, Ford, was suggested early on, and I couldn’t wait to see how it would go.

Because, you know, there’s quite an age gap between Ford and Lilah. A whole decade. Their life experience is completely different, and Ford is reluctant to start anything with such a young girl. The author’s genius idea? To actually make them connect through a shared situation that I won’t divulge. They were already friends, they become confidants. One step closer to a relationship. And various events push them to cross the line.

I loved that, because the chemistry and sexual tension between them was amazing! The desire is growing, and they get closer and closer, brushing the line several times before they succumb. So sexy. And since Ford is the voice of reason, Lilah gets the upper hand–she’s ready to break the rules and isn’t afraid to show it. But their friendship is also the best. They help each other, are supportive of each other. Well mostly, as Ford sometimes display poor judgement even though his heart is in the right place.

There’s a theme here, a reflection on taking charge of one’s own life versus letting other people decide because one is allegedly immature. And of course the consequences of such a decision. I loved that, in this instance, the women seemed to be more on the taking charge side of the balance. That, plus a few other lines and events, showed a bit of feminism that I enjoyed.

Maybe the problems solved themselves, or with the help of a deus ex machina–namely Shay–in order to get to a perfect happily ever after. Here, the stars align, and it feels too good to be true. But that brings a beautiful ending so I didn’t mind much.


  • Series: Captivity Alaska #3 (can be read as a standalone)
  • Hashtags: #small town romance # friends to lovers #age gap #single mother #ex-military
  • Triggers: past death
  • Main couple: Delilah Iquat & Ford Langley
  • Hotness: 4/5
  • Romance: 5/5
  • + Lilah’s strength and determination
  •  not really a minus, but… Shay 😦

Stalker mode

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Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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