REVIEW: Love the way you kiss me by Willow Winters and Amelia Wilde (ARC)


I was born into luxury and used to getting what I wanted.
What I desired most, with my life in disarray, was the man who sat across from me.
He was tall, dark and handsome, but, most notably, forbidden.

It made every accidental touch more sinful and every session more addictive.

There was so much tragedy and he was supposed to fix me.
I shouldn’t have wondered how it would feel to be trapped under his broad shoulders.
I shouldn’t have focused on the way he licked his bottom lip every time his gaze dropped from mine and roamed my curves.
I shouldn’t have dreamed about him breaking the rules to comfort me the way I desperately needed.

I did though, and I was the first one to break.

He was my protector and my confidant and then he became my lover.
I teased him, tempted the two of us and now there’s no way to take it back.
With everything I’ve been through, I didn’t expect to fall for him.
There’s only so much heartache I can take.

No one can know, not a soul, but secrets in the life I lead never last for long.


Prepare yourself for a silent journey through the mind of two broken people. Silent because everything is subdued and quiet–like Ella who can barely speak. In a sense, the book follows the mood of both main characters, Zander the man of few words and depressed Eleanor.

This story is all about atmosphere. You’ll discover the characters and their backstory bit by bit–you’ll even be left with questions by the end of the book. The relationship too builds in tiny increments, though there’s an instant connection between Ella and Zander. I’d have loved to learn more about the other characters though, but since it’s written in dual point of view from the main characters, I suppose it’s okay to focus that much on them.

I don’t want to give away the main twist since it occurs far into the book, let’s just say that you won’t see right at the beginning how the relationship develops. Also, the few sexy times are quite hot and explicit, and of course I loved it.

A very intriguing story with mysterious characters and a cliffhanger that left me on the edge of my seat.


  • Series: Love the way duet #1 (ends on a cliffhanger)
  • Hashtags: #forbidden romance
  • Triggers: suggestion of past traumas
  • Main couple: Eleanor Bordeu & Zander Thompson
  • Hotness: 4/5
  • Romance: 3/5
  • + I love it when the story is offered bit by bit instead of a long exposition
  • the pace was a tiny bit too slow for me

Stalker mode

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Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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