REVIEW: Rattlesnake road by Amanda McKinney (ARC)


Everyone hits rock bottom, only the brave escape.

Welcome to 1314 Rattlesnake Road.

A quaint two-bedroom log cabin nestled deep in the woods of the small, southern town of Berry Springs—the perfect hideaway to escape your past.

Tucked inside thick, mahogany walls lay mysterious letters, forgotten and untouched for decades. Floor-to-ceiling windows frame breathtaking views of jagged cliffs, deep valleys, and endless lies. Mature oak trees, tall enough to touch the clouds, carry the whispers of the haunted, of stories untold.

Inside sits Grey Dalton, emotionally battered and bruised, her only wish to pick up the broken pieces of her life. But outside, await two men, one a tattooed cowboy, the other a dashing businessman.

One will steal her heart, the other, her soul.


Wow. This book ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it right from the beginning, and kept squeezing until the end, when it gently healed it. It was that emotional. A fascinating story of righting some wrongs.

The past is ever present here, always weighing on the main characters. It’s a past they must overcome. I loved the real struggles they experience–nothing is easy, but it’s always worth fighting. There’s another past playing a decisive role, the one depicted in the mysterious letters. And there are those strange manifestations in Grey’s cabin…

I found it a bit manichaean to have almost every male character in Grey’s entourage to be a cheater and/or a liar, while most of the women were promiscuous. That painted the main characters in a good light, despite their horrendous flaws–like Grey’s alcoholism. Still, it worked well in the story.

The atmosphere was, in my opinion, the main quality of the book. From the beginning, the reader is forced to experience the places and events through Grey’s eyes–and her unique point of view. Because of her struggles, her personal experiences, and her state of mind, the whole story is colored a certain way that helped connecting with the character and created powerful images.

Thanks to that atmostphere, and the gripping mystery–and my serious need for a happy ending–I was swept away and couldn’t put it down.


  • Series: standalone (though there are connections with other series by the same author)
  • Hashtags: #romantic suspense #small town romance #love triangle #age gap #opposites attract #ghost
  • Triggers: alcoholism, deaths, miscarriage, violence
  • Main couple: Grey Dalton & (Lucas Covington or Declan Montgomery?)
  • Hotness: 3/5
  • Romance: 4/5
  • + a perfectly crafted mystery
  • I felt like the introduction of previous characters from the author was unnecessary

Stalker mode

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Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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