REVIEW: Hateful prince by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

Summary I would scorch the earth for the woman I love. Being a dragon had always been my legacy. But not one I wanted anything to do with. After losing control the first time I shifted, I’d been exiled off to Blackwood, left to rot in the shame of my crimes. I was meant toContinue reading “REVIEW: Hateful prince by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)”

REVIEW: Hunted beast by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

Summary She’s everything I want, and I hate her for it. Hate might not be the right emotion for what Dahlia stirs in me. But I can’t have her, so telling myself I don’t want her is the only option. Especially since my dog won’t leave her alone. While I’ve been doing my best toContinue reading “REVIEW: Hunted beast by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)”

REVIEW: Haunting beauty by Meg Anne and K Loraine

Summary One heroic act damned me for eternity. With a name like Tor, I should have been a hero, just like my father and twin. Turns out I’m not. Not even close. Instead I’m the very thing we hunted. A depraved monster. I thought there was no escaping the curse. No hope for a future.Continue reading “REVIEW: Haunting beauty by Meg Anne and K Loraine”

REVIEW: Lost to the moon by K Loraine and Meg Anne (ALC)

Summary It’s the end of the world as you know it… At least it will be, if my dear despicable mum gets her way. I, however, happen to be quite fond of some of the toys I’ve discovered on this plane. Ma petite monstre, for starters. But the plague is spreading, taking no prisoners, and I’m trappedContinue reading “REVIEW: Lost to the moon by K Loraine and Meg Anne (ALC)”

REVIEW: Captive of the night by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

Summary Roslyn Blackthorne is dead. I should know, I watched it happen. My twin and I didn’t believe we’d ever meet our mate, and then she showed up in our bar and the world as we knew it changed. Fate hadn’t been kind to us. Not once. So it shouldn’t have come as a surpriseContinue reading “REVIEW: Captive of the night by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)”

REVIEW: Claimed by the shifters by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

Summary I made a deal with a demon so I could be free. Boy did that blow up in my face. Everything is falling apart just as I thought it was coming together. The Mercer twins say I’m their mate. I believe them, even if I can’t let them claim me. No matter how badly my soulContinue reading “REVIEW: Claimed by the shifters by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)”

REVIEW: Deal with the demon by K Loraine and Meg Anne (ALC)

Summary Roslyn Blackthorne is dead. Technically. I faked my death to get out of a loveless marriage but that was only half the battle. To ensure my vampire duke can never find me, I have to run far and fast enough he can’t catch me. Because if he does, it’s over. Not just my life—forContinue reading “REVIEW: Deal with the demon by K Loraine and Meg Anne (ALC)”

REVIEW: All the queen’s men by K Loraine (ALC)

Summary My entire life has been a lie.I thought I was a normal girl, a typical college student. Until Finn and Jensen, two of the most handsome men I’ve ever met change my entire world. Literally. On my twenty-first birthday, a single kiss from Finn transports the three of us to the Shadow Court. AContinue reading “REVIEW: All the queen’s men by K Loraine (ALC)”

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