Blog post 06/10/23

Yeah yeah yeah… I have five reviews to write, but I’m looking for my motivation. Have you seen it? Yesterday, I decided to buy some more audiobooks. I got The things we leave unfinished by Rebecca Yarros, Wrath by Ella James, and Inseparable by Siobhan Davis. I wanted books that makes you cry. All threeContinue reading “Blog post 06/10/23”

Blog post 10/19/22

I’m just one review behind. Not bad, right? I’ll post my review for Mr Silver by Rachel Jonas and Nikki Thorne in the next couple of days–and I’ll probably have two more reviews to write by that time… I won codes for audiobooks: Savior by Nicole Blanchard, A little too close by Rebecca Yarros, andContinue reading “Blog post 10/19/22”

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