Blog post 09/23/23

I promised to write more reviews, right? I know, I know… I’ll try to get a couple done tomorrow. Maybe… Audiobook galore in the meantime! I won a code for My favorite kidnapper by Melanie Moreland–more John Lane, yay!–and signed up for ALC of Deadly debt by K Loraine and Meg Anne, and Filthy royalContinue reading “Blog post 09/23/23”

Blog post 06/02/23

Remember that I had two reviews to write this weekend? Well now I have three: Maniacs by Sheridan Anne, Liar liar by Donna Alam, and Sincerely, Thatcher Hayes by Jill Brashear. Oh well. Just a quick update, because I got a couple of new books. I have ARCs of the new improved versions of HookedContinue reading “Blog post 06/02/23”

Blog post 01/14/21

I’ve started a very early ARC of He said always by Ruth Cardello–release date is May 25th. I’m about 20% in and I like it so far. I love that both main characters are nerds. What to expect: I’m sooooo late! I’ve finished Rough edge by CD Reiss–what an experience–and Private practice by Samanthe Beck–thatContinue reading “Blog post 01/14/21”

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