Blog post 10/03/22

I’ll be posting my review for Bad boy crush by Jessica Lemmon in a few, and the one for The dark king by Gina L Maxwell in the next couple of days–hopefully. And since I’m nothing but crazy, I’ve been adding to my TBR… Mostly in audio though. I’ve taken advantage of a BOGO saleContinue reading “Blog post 10/03/22”

Blog post 09/04/22

Did I say I’d write my reviews for The predator by SB Alexander, A beach in winter by Leslie Pike and An ex to remember by Jessica Lemmon this weekend? Well, I guess real life messed with me. I’ll write them in the next couple of days. In the meantime, I purchased a couple audiobooks,Continue reading “Blog post 09/04/22”

Blog post 04/02/22

I’m just back from my first ever signing event, in Paris, and I have a few goodies to share. As seen in the pictures above, I came back with some books and swag from the authors I met. Here’s the list: RJ Scott, Annika Martin, LA Cotton, Nora Phoenix, Tracy Lorraine, Crystal Kaswell, CD Reiss,Continue reading “Blog post 04/02/22”

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