Blog post 08/02/22

I’ve already finished my first book for August. I’ll write my review for Make me blush by Marie Johnston in the next couple of days. And Dirty groom by Mira Lyn Kelly will be posted sometime today. I won a code for The safe bet by Brittney Sahin. I also receive an ALC of YouContinue reading “Blog post 08/02/22”

Blog post 12/05/21

I’m reading and listening and reading and listening… Doing my best but real life is busy at the moment, so it’s difficult. I hope I can meet my deadlines anyway. The audiobook of The hacker by Anna Hackett was released so I upgraded my book. I’d do anything for more Teddy Hamilton. I’ve already receivedContinue reading “Blog post 12/05/21”

Blog post 05/14/21

I’m not sure I’ll finish That day by Karen Deen for release day… I suppose I’ll have to pull all nighters to get it done. A couple of news. I signed up for an ARC of Undone by Leslie McAdam, an MM romance set in Sarina Bowen’s Vino and veritas world. I’ve also been approvedContinue reading “Blog post 05/14/21”

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