Blog post 05/14/24

I’ve been MIA lately, I know. Life has been crazy busy, and it seems it’s gonna be like that for a while.

But I’m not totally away, so I got an ARC of the next book in the Farm 2 forking series, by Liz Alden who’s new to me, and won a code for an audiobook by GK Brady.

I’m trying to slowly get back to my blog and my reviews, but don’t expect much from me in the next couple of weeks. Sorry!



The demon king Zor’imuth is no more, destroyed by the British werewolf Nathaniel Fortescue and his fated mate, the American Kylie Drummond. Years have passed in the modern world. The threat of the Outlands is over, or so it seems.

Until the daughter of Nathaniel and Kylie comes of age.

Zaen’imuth, son of the demon king, has sensed Charlotte Fortescue, though he can’t find her. He will cross worlds and time itself to hunt down the woman he craves. But something strange is happening to the demon, and his desire to take an innocent mortal for his slave has transformed into something far more dangerous for them both.

Blog post 05/05/24

Quick heads up. I haven’t yet started to catch up with my reviews. I’m first trying to catch up with my deadlines… Almost done, yay!

I also won an ARC of Mine to shield by Kennedy L Mitchell, and a code for Demanding mob boss by Lucy Monroe. No new sign up, for obvious reason.

Back to my books, that I enjoy very much.

Currently listening: When I come around by Karen Grey (ALC)

I’ve actually started it a couple of days ago, but I wasn’t around to post about it. I’m listening to When I come around by Karen Grey, narrated by Ryan Lee Dunlap and Amanda Stribling. Just released.

Blog post 04/30/24: april tally

(I know it’s a day late, shhhhh…)

Books: 7 (5 audiobooks, including one re-listen)

New authors: 1

Fave subgenre: from romcoms to dark romances…

Total for 2024: 35 books (20 audiobooks including 2 re-listens), 4 new authors

What to expect next month: not much, to be honest. I kind of burned out? Anyway, I’ve withdrawn from a lot of review teams, didn’t sign up for anything–except Anna Durand’s audiobook. In the next months, I’ll mostly try to catch up with my reviews and write my own stories if I can.

As I review less, this blog will probably go quieter, but I’ll be around.



“Destroying other people isn’t going to make you feel any better.”

“That suggests you’ve never destroyed an enemy before. It’s actually quite fulfilling.”


Elliott Springs has small-town values, cobblestone streets, perfect scenery. These are things I don’t care about. What I do care about: Revenge. And no matter how compelling I find Liam Doherty—the guy focused on saving Elliott Springs—I’m going to get it.


What do you call a woman who wants to destroy everything you love, yet the sight of her sets you on fire? Nemesis or future wife…and since she can’t wait to leave California, I guess I know which one she is.

Emerson Hughes wants to be the villain in our town’s history, and the more I learn about her past here, the more I understand it.

I wanted to save Elliott Springs. I think I want to save her even more.

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Currently listening: The outlands demon by Anna Durand (ALC)

It’s been a while since my last Anna Durand. I quite enjoyed the previous book in the series, so let’s see what this one is about. The outlands demon is narrated by Dane Anderson, and Evelyn Rose who’s new to me. Releases soon.

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