REVIEW: Hateful prince by Meg Anne and K Loraine (ALC)

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I would scorch the earth for the woman I love.

Being a dragon had always been my legacy. But not one I wanted anything to do with. After losing control the first time I shifted, I’d been exiled off to Blackwood, left to rot in the shame of my crimes.

I was meant to be a hero. A protector. The defender of my fae homeland. Instead I became the scary story they told their children at night.

Believing I belonged in this prison, I never considered a future beyond my punishment. Not until I met my mate. Dahlia is a gift I didn’t think I deserved and now I want more with her. We all do.

Her beastly Viking
Her mad pirate
Her vengeful god
And me, her imprisoned dragon

As tensions mount at Blackwood, it’s more obvious than ever we have to do everything we can to keep her safe. But the wheels of fate are turning and I’m not sure there’s anything we can do to stop what’s already been set into motion.

Not without having to become the very thing I most feared.

The Ripper’s come to Blackwood in search of new victims, but if he dares to lay a finger on my mate, he’ll find out what happens to those stupid enough to touch a dragon’s most valued treasure.


(audiobook) Character development, plot advancement, relationship evolution… A lot is going on in this book, and that’s great.

Though Tor has made peace with his berserker form already, and Cain has recovered his memory, they’re still coming to terms with their identity and their powers. It’s now Kai’s turn to accept the monster in him. And he’s magnificent once he lets the dragon out. The authors sure gave it their all. Caspian too is discovering things about himself. It’s a whole process for all of them, and it was interesting to see how they deal with it.

It’s connected to their relationship with Dahlia. As a catalyst of some sort, she’s helping them reach their full potential. But she’s learning new skills too. Book after book, it becomes clear she’s way more than a famous romance author, or even the survivor of a cult. Between her blooming powers and her very special love story with four males, she’s at the center of the plot–though Kai almost steals the spotlight.

Another character finally comes into light: the mysterious serial killer haunting the asylum. At the very end of the book, all is revealed, and then some. I won’t even give a hint at the truth though, it’s better appreciated as a surprise.

And if six important characters wasn’t enough, you get lots of scenes with the other residents, and a number of cameos thrown in. That may be the only problem I had with this book. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed seeing all those characters again. But as they’re mostly voiced by the same narrators, it became hard to follow, even with their distinct voices. It was a bit crowded, to be honest. And besides a couple of characters necessary to advance the plot, they felt like fan service and nothing more.

As it’s become a–well appreciated–habit in those series, the multiple lovers are a source of both a lot of sexy and a lot of humor. Their interactions make for delightful conversations. As the story progresses, they also learn to work together, in and out of bed.

Despite the part where they all voiced too many characters, the narration was once again excellent. They always get the characters’ nuances–intensity here, playfulness there, some vulnerability when needed. Now to wait for the apocalypse in the final book.


  • Series: The Mate Games: Death #3 (linked to the other Mate Games series, ends on a cliffhanger)
  • Hashtags: #paranormal romance #reverse harem #fairytales #asylum #serial killer #ghosts #virgin #amnesia
  • Triggers: violence and multiple deaths, mention of past cult activities, gruesome horrific scenes
  • Main “couple”: Dahlia Moore & (Tor Nordson/Caspian Hook/Malakai Nash/Cain Alexander)
  • Hotness: 5/5
  • Romance: 4/5
  • + a lot is happening here, A LOT
  •  all those cameos make this book crowded

Stalker mode

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Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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