Blog post 06/02/23

Remember that I had two reviews to write this weekend? Well now I have three: Maniacs by Sheridan Anne, Liar liar by Donna Alam, and Sincerely, Thatcher Hayes by Jill Brashear. Oh well.

Just a quick update, because I got a couple of new books. I have ARCs of the new improved versions of Hooked by you and Checked by you by Jessica Buss. Also, I just got a code for Unscripted with Mila by Melanie Moreland.

Also, I’m struggling. See, I have two books to read before release June 15. I still started a book from my TBR list because I had time to read 3 books. But now I have the opportunity to get an ARC of next Alison Aimes’s book… that releases June 15. I don’t know what to do. Advice?

Back to the books I need to finish…

Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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