REVIEW: Initiation by Alethea Faust

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Magic is a rare gift that only exists in the bloodlines of the rich, the royal, and the reputable. Dominai of Airedale, a poor hunter and forest guide, is barely one of those things. But after a moonlit encounter with the wizard Allisande, Dominai’s life is changed forever. She reveals that Dominai has magic in his lineage and provides him with a letter of introduction to the Crux, the center of magical study in the Kingdom of Straetham.

Magical study is a far cry from the dusty tomes and rituals Dom was expecting. Instead, it is sex and desire, submission and surrender, loyalty and love, and, above all, trust. But when the trust of the Crux is betrayed, Dom must face his own insecurities and the unknown to protect his new home and his fellow wizards.


It’s taken me four full weeks to reach the wizards’ towers in Straetham.

Four full weeks of soggy mountain passes and wetlands. Of being crisped by the spring sun, eaten by mosquitoes and leeches, and nipped by the meanest horse south of Airedale. The sketchy caravan I hitched a ride with managed to get me here, though they bled me of every last red cent in the process.

I must be out of my godsdamned mind.

The towers stick up from the ground like the fingers of a buried giant. They’re huge. Bigger than anything in Airedale by at least four stories. Each one is so unique and grand I can’t imagine what must have gone into building them.

One is styled like a fortress of red stone. Another seems to fade away into mist, even though it’s a clear day. I count nine in all, but the grandest is the main tower that juts up from the rest like a beacon. It’s made of a curious white stone that skitters with color – a moving rainbow.

On my long road here, I learned that everyone south of the Hobokins calls it the Crux.

The gate to the courtyard is open. The drawbridge is lowered across the sparkling, water-filled moat. The bridge is wide and welcoming, yet I can’t bring myself to cross it.

I feel my threadbare clothes and every hole in them. After four full weeks, I’m ragged and dirty, grit so ingrained that I don’t know how I’ll get clean again. Every bug bite and burned patch of skin reminds me that I’m not meant for a place like this. I’m just some idiot country boy who’s stumbled down the godsdamned mountains on the word of a woman I don’t even know. I have nothing – no money, no name of any consequence. Only the letter from Allisande.

Four weeks is a lot of time to think on that particular uncertainty as well. When Allisande had hired me, I thought it would be a standard escort through the woods. With bandits scouting the roads, it wasn’t unusual for folks to hire me to get them safely from one place to the next, but Allisande was far from my usual patronage. Well dressed, with fiery red hair and blue eyes that seemed to pierce right into me even as her smile warmed me from the inside out. She was beautiful, and just from the way she spoke I could tell she wasn’t from some nowhere place in the mountains.

I hadn’t expected such a class looking woman to really even talk to me during the trip, let alone sleep with me, but after I chased off a group of goblins from our camp one night, she’d been grateful. And had been very forward in showing her gratitude. Near demanding, actually, and I wasn’t about to say no to those lush red lips.


(audiobook) This isn’t your usual magical school for sure. But the author builds a believable world–although an unusual one. There’s consistency, it’s surprisingly logical, and it all makes sense in the end.

It isn’t really romance, as Dominai isn’t in a relationship by the end of the book, though Olbric is a good candidate heavily hinted at. But as intimacy and kinks are used with a definite purpose–casting spells–they aren’t connected to deeper emotions. They all like each other, mostly, but it isn’t love that motivates them.

For the same reasons, there’s no straight or gay, nor Dom or sub, not even just two genders. For all intents and purposes, they’re all pansexual creatures. It allows the author to include in their world a really positive view of all inclinations. That was an interesting aspect. Especially if you add various species, and if the subject of prejudices isn’t glossed over.

Even though it’s an introduction to a new world, and the story revolves a lot around physical activities–if you know what I mean–there’s still a plot, and a violent one at that. Once Dominai has been accepted at the Crux, we learn that wizards from the school are hunted and in danger. The villain ticks lots of triggers, be aware that sensible topics can be found in this book.

The writing was just okay, but the author gets points for originality and consistency.

With only one point of view, one narrator was enough, and he does a great job keeping the listener interested. If you want to try something really new, it’s a good place to start.


  • Series: Sex wizards #1 (can be read as a standalone)
  • Hashtags: #fantasy romance #erotica #bisexual
  • Triggers: mention of rape, multiple kinks
  • Main couple: Dominai & “whoever wants it at the moment”
  • Hotness: 5/5
  • Romance: 3/5
  • + interesting world building
  •  though there’s plenty of heat, not sure if it qualifies as romance

Stalker mode

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Romance reader

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