REVIEW: The dark king by Gina L Maxwell (ALC)

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For Bryn Meara, a free trip to the exclusive and ultra-luxe Nightfall hotel and casino in Vegas should’ve been the perfect way to escape the debris of her crumbling career. But waking up from a martini-and-lust-fueled night to find herself married to Caiden Verran, the reclusive billionaire who owns the hotel and most of the city, isn’t the jackpot one would think. It seems her dark and sexy new husband is actual royalty—the fae king of the Night Court—and there’s an entire world beneath the veil of Vegas.

Whether light or shadow, the fae are a far cry from fairy tales, and now they’ve made Bryn a pawn in their dark games for power. And Caiden is the most dangerous of all—an intoxicating cocktail of sin and raw, insatiable hunger. She should run. But every night of passion pulls Bryn deeper into his strange and sinister world, until she’s no longer certain she wants to leave…even if she could.


(audiobook) I was extremely excited for a new book by the author, and I wasn’t disappointed. She builds a world I want to know more of, with a lot of steam but not just that.

I won’t lie, it’s very erotic, of the kinky kind too. Let’s just say that Caiden’s moniker isn’t just a reminder of his status as king of the dark fae. I loved though that he was able to adapt his taste for his girl. Even though Bryn isn’t afraid of Caiden’s proclivities. They sure are compatible.

But the love story was interesting too. Accidental marriage, then real feelings, then love spell, then… It isn’t a straight path. They have to go through many stages before they’re able to define their relationship. I loved that, despite all the talk about the bond, the fated mates situation, the spell, in the end, they get to choose whether they want to be together or not. And their answer isn’t obvious, I assure you. They work hard for their happily ever after, let me tell you.

The romance is at the center of the book, of course, but the author writes it in a urban fantasy setting, with paranormal creatures, magic, and violence. She imagines conflicts and rivalries, a mythology, ways for fae to live among humans. Not especially original, but it works well, and rivalries and past curses are actually big plot points.

In the midst of all that, you’ll spot many Beauty and the Beast references. I’m not sure it could be considered a retelling of the famous tale, but I felt it was well used–though a bit too on the nose.

As for the narration, it was quite good. Though the male narrator nailed Caiden’s cold demeanor, I think he wasn’t as good with deeper feelings. The female narrator, who was new to me, did a great job on her hand. Not bad at all.


  • Series: Deviant kings #1 (can be read as a standalone)
  • Hashtags: #paranormal romance #billionaire romance #dark romance #fae #accidental marriage #fated mates #BDSM #erotica
  • Triggers: BDSM, violence, death, injuries
  • Main couple: Bryn Meara & Caiden Verran
  • Hotness: 5/5
  • Romance: 4/5
  • + an interesting world building
  •  besides the titillating factor, I didn’t see a reason for Caiden’s proclivities

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Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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