Blog post 06/30/22: june tally

Books: 18 (9 audiobooks included one re-read)

New authors: 4

Fave subgenre: romcoms and romantic suspenses mostly

Challenges completed: fantasy monster (Rejection by Meg Anne and K Loraine); sexy accent (Rejection by K Loraine and Meg Anne, Hopelessly bromantic by Lauren Blakely, Filthy by Tia Louise, A love for all seasons by Leslie Pike, Jock wanted by Kate Meader)

Total for 2022: 109 books (49 audiobooks including 3 re-read), 27 new authors

What to expect next month: I’m finishing my ARC of Baby heal the pain by Harper Cross so I can write and post my review tomorrow. I got a few ARCs from Netgalley, and they’ll be the first to go if I don’t have enough time to read, since I have two weeks of vacation. But I have a lighter schedule for the second half of the month, so I should be okay.

Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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