Blog post 05/22/22

I’m catching up, almost there! That’s easier since Perfect score by Christina Lee has disappeared from Amazon–don’t ask why, I don’t know–so I won’t be reviewing it. So I just have to write my review for Just one song by Stacey Lynn, and it’ll be up later today.

I’m also listening to Empire of sin as much as I can, because I’m hoping to start Empire of hate, then Empire of lust, all by Rina Kent, soon, so I can finally listen to Rejection by Meg Anne and K Loraine. That’s my schedule and I’m sticking to it!

Some news still. I won a code for Absolute silence by Jill Ramsower, and I’ll be happy to listen to it after reading it–I enjoyed it. I also signed up for a new Cocky Hero Club release. It’s been so long! I chose Beastly brute by Cameron Hart, because it’s the perfect occasion to discover new authors. I also got approved for an ARC of Fire season by KD Casey. I loved her first book so much!

Also, my reading schedule for the end of the month is lighter than expected: Willow Winters has pushed back her next release. But June will end up quite busy. Oh well!

Back to reading and listening!

Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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