Blog post 04/02/22

I’m just back from my first ever signing event, in Paris, and I have a few goodies to share.

As seen in the pictures above, I came back with some books and swag from the authors I met. Here’s the list: RJ Scott, Annika Martin, LA Cotton, Nora Phoenix, Tracy Lorraine, Crystal Kaswell, CD Reiss, Charmaine Pauls, Grace Goodwin, Cora Reily, Lee Savino, Donna Alam, Terri E Laine, C Hallman, Damon Suede, KA Linde, Krista and Becca Ritchie, Penny Reid, and Eva LeNoir who wasn’t here as an author.

I also got to met and talk to Wander Aguiar.

All in all, it was a great experience.

Oh and I came back home to a paperback of Filthy sex by Serena Akeroyd that I won way back in February.

How is you weekend going? Mine is amazing! 😀

Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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