Blog post 12/21/20

I finished Change of course by Sierra Hill and started You know I need you by Willow Winters right away. I know I’m gonna be a wreck by the end…

What to expect: I’ll get my review of Change of course up as soon as possible. After Willow Winters’s book, I’ll read Arrogant single dad by Alyse Zaftig, and then Possession by TK Leigh–unless I receive Craving Caden by Jessica Lemmon. Audiobook schedule stays the same.

And in the future: I won a code for Beautiful monster by Sara Cate. I also bought the Parallel series by Elizabeth O’Roark–I have won Across time a long time ago, but since there’s a sale on the whole series, I thought I should start from the beginning… someday

Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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