Blog post 12/18/20

What to expect: I should have my review for Wicked embrace by Olivia Boothe up by the end of the day. But… in the meantime, I’ve also finished reading Rebel by Laura Pavlov and listening to Code name: Genesis by Sawyer Bennett, and that means two more reviews. I’ll try to write them this weekend. I’ve started reading Grinder by Samantha Whiskey, and I’m just about to start listening to Impossible odds by Jill Ramsower–I know, I’ve already read the book, but I wanted to listen to it narrated by Mackenzie Cartwright and Gomez Pugh, and I got a code from the author herself *shrugs* After that, my next reads will be my ARC of Change of course by Sierra Hill, and probably Hard rocked by Lee Mae and A Hunter. My next listens will be The investigator by Anna Hackett and One time only by Lauren Blakely–yay for double Teddy Hamilton!

And what about my life: with the end of the year, and although I’m off work until early January, I’ll be quite busy. I want to have a vision board ready for 2021 and work on my planner, and I promised to write my reviews for the book and the movie I got for my freelance unpaid job. So the list above might be the only books I’ll have read or listened to before the end of the year–with the exception of Willow Winters’s next book that I’ll probably receive close to release date. I’ll still post my reviews, and some release posts, and I might be able to squeeze a little focus post about Erin Mallon–since I’ve signed up for an ARC of her audioplay The bromantic comedies *fingers crossed*

Published by veroticker

Romance reader

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